Dysgu Da

S - Steps to Success

John Hattie: Learning intentions and success criteria

Brief overview of context: In the video John Hattie explains the importance of sharing learning intentions. Following the basic premise that the learners have the same idea as their teacher what is going on in the classroom, and what they should be learning as a result of doing. Many learners are not going to know this unless it is clearly signposted - learning intentions (or objectives), and learning outcomes (or success criteria) provide this direction. Hattie discusses several different ways to share and even co-construct success criteria with learners for maximum impact.

John Hattie

🌐 STEM Learning - John Hattie: Learning intentions and success criteria

Steps to Success Grid

This resources does exactly what it says on the tin! A grid that allows the learners to think about the components of a successful piece of learning. The headings can be changed to suit the requirements of the task and different coloured pens can be used for each section to clearly illustrate the different steps of learning.

Success Grid
Success Criteria Table

Success Criteria

This resource allows learners to first engage with the title/question set - making notes in the light bulb sections. What is the task set really asking them to do?

Then they approach the task by breaking the task and their knowledge down into headings - in this case the 5W's with an added How. These headings can be changed depending upon the task set.

The conclusion section encourages the learner to think about the direction of their work and develop their own opinion to task set (if needed).

Dysgu Digidol

A selection of digital activities and resources which can be used to allow learners to think about and record their 'steps to success.' The above resources can also be shared with learners electronically, to be completed independently or collaboratively.


Learners can use 'S- Steps to Success' Jamboard to record their own ‘steps to success.’ All learners in your class can contribute to the ‘steps to success’ board, applying a sticky note, sharing their ideas and opinions about how they are going to be successful in their learning. Learners can use different coloured sticky notes to define the task, audience, success criteria and key vocabulary. A new Jamboard can be created for this task, or practitioners can add another slide onto an existing board to create a continuity of learning, as shown in the 'Dysgu Digidol Jamboard Example.'


Flipgrid can be used in or outside of the classroom for learners to share and record how they are going to be successful in their learning. As practitioners, you can create and share videos with your learners via ‘Topics’ prior to the learning experience, explaining the learning intentions and posing appropriate questions. (You may wish to use some of the above strategies by John Hattie to create your video). Your learners can respond with their own videos, sharing their understanding of the learning and explaining their own ‘steps to success.’ Learners, practitioners and peers can collaborate via the ‘reply’ icon to deepen and strengthen understanding. Once the learning has taken place, your learners can respond to their original video, reflecting and evaluating their original ‘steps to success.’

🌐 Popplet


Popplet allows your learners to capture, organise and share ideas about their learning. Learners can use Popplet to plan their ‘steps to success’ by creating an interactive flow diagram, starting with the learning opportunity in the middle. Learners can expand on their thinking, including further details and information such as the purpose, audience, success criteria and key quotes or vocabulary.