"Gordon Ramsey, Heston Blumenthal and all the other world-famous chefs have it much easier than teachers. They have the luxury of choosing a single recipe to make a perfect dish. No matter how much teachers (and policy-makers) would like it to be true, in education there is no such thing as a recipe that works in all circumstances.”

Pedro De Bruyckere

What is Dysgu Da?

Dysgu Da is a learner focused resource that seeks to support great learning and teaching in our classrooms. Dysgu Da’s success, as an integral part of ERW’s Learning for Excellence (LfE) Programme, has seen it grow into an online pedagogy resource, designed to support teachers in Wales with their continued professional development in these unprecedented times, featuring examples for both classroom based learning and digital remote learning.

Dysgu Da

The Dysgu Da poster can be shared with your learners, in order for them to become drivers of their own learning and to be motivated to take ownership of their learning. Dysgu Da can support learners to identify and realise learning purposes, to become reflective individuals and to identify and act upon next steps in their learning journey. Dysgu Da also supports learners to make connections, transfer skills and deepen, strengthen and consolidate learning.

Dysgu Da.pdf