Dysgu Da

D - Do you know?

A good start: The pedagogical challenge of engaging prior knowledge for all pupils

Brief overview of context:
The article describes a project created to meet the two
-fold pedagogical challenge that most teachers face: to engage every child in reactivating prior knowledge; and to assess the quality of that current understanding. The two-year project in four mixed-age primary classrooms developed a framework for devising activities that address these two problems in pursuit of effective learning. The challenges, interventions and outcomes of this project would be just as relevant in a secondary classroom as many teachers in secondary schools also face these pedagogical challenges.

Christopher Tay May 2018

Impact: Journal of the Chartered College of Teaching

🌐 A good start: The pedagogical challenge of engaging prior knowledge for all pupils


A great resource to assess a learner's knowledge of a concept or topic by thinking of a linked word starting with each letter of the alphabet.

A great task to start individually, moving to pair/small group discussion and then as a whole class.

A-Z of things connected to....pdf
Knowledge Growth Grid

Knowledge Growth Grid

This Grid allows you to activate learner's prior knowledge using the inner 'roots' box - to assess what your learners all ready know and providing you with the opportunity to address any misconceptions in your learner's knowledge about the topic. As the learning progresses throughout the lesson (or a series of lessons), the learner is then able to fill in the grid at different points to assess how their knowledge is growing. Different colours can be used to fill in each grid to make the knowledge more distinct.

The fruit of your knowledge grid could also be used for 'extending knowledge' - e.g: quotes, subject specific terminology etc

My Fantastic Elastic Brain

A great resource to use with learners to see what they have in their brains already at the start of a topic. They can then add to their brain throughout their learning - in different coloured pens if you choose, to really make their learning progression stand out.

My Fantastic Elastic Brain

Dysgu Digidol

A selection of digital activities and resources which can be used in class or at home to activate prior knowledge for learners. The above resources can also be shared with learners electronically, to be completed independently or collaboratively.


The 'D- Do you know?' Jamboard allows you to activate your learners’ prior knowledge. Learners place a sticky note on the Jamboard, sharing what they already know about their learning. As practitioners, you can identify prior knowledge and address misconceptions, as well as using notes to consolidate, build and strengthen learning.


This is a fun and interactive quiz tool to activate prior knowledge. As practitioners you can construct questions and answers linked to previous learning opportunities, providing effective time for learners to think, collaborate and respond. You may wish to group learners accordingly, in order to identify prior knowledge and address misconceptions, effectively moving the learning forward.


Flipgrid is an online video discussion platform that helps you see and hear from every learner in your class. Practitioners can post discussion prompts for learners to respond to, whether they are learning in class or at home. Your learners can record what they already know about their learning, and respond to their original post after the learning has taken place, telling you everything they have learned.

🌐 Flipgrid support centre on Hwb

🌐 Flipgrid - A guide for teachers

🌐 Flipgrid - A guide for learners (Laptop)

Flipgrid - Laptop - Pupil access to Flipgrid .mov

🌐 Slido


Slido is a Q&A and polling platform that can be used in conjunction with Microsoft Teams and Google Meet. This provides opportunities for practitioners to use the tool in or outside of the classroom. As practitioners, you can post questions or polls to activate your learner’ prior knowledge. Learners can respond to questions and polls instantly, allowing you to use answers and results as a platform for rich discussion.