Dysgu Da


"It is not simply what we teach, but how we teach and crucially, why we teach it".

Curriculum for Wales Guidance 2020

Dysgu Da aims to provide learners with:

  • The skills to acquire information, ideas, values, ways of thinking and means of expressing themselves.

  • The ability to make connections with learning and transfer skills into a variety of contexts.

  • The drive and motivation to take ownership for learning, identifying and realising the learning purpose.

  • The ability to generate and act upon next steps in learning.

  • The skills needed to consolidate, deepen and strengthen learning.

  • The ability to reflect on learning and identify learning aspirations.

"Schools should seek to develop a strong vision of learning and teaching which considers the ‘why’ and ‘how’ as well as the ‘what’."

Curriculum for Wales Guidance 2020