Dysgu Da


"The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas."

Linus Pauling

The resources section is split into the seven different elements of Dysgu Da. Each section has a useful reading focused on that particular element of pedagogy. It goes on to provide classroom resources that support the development of that strand of pedagogy.

A Dysgu Digidol section can also be found in the resources section. Dysgu Digidol provides examples of digital resources that can be used in the classroom, or as part of a blended learning approach, to support the development of each strand of pedagogy. One of the Dysgu Digidol resources that can be used throughout the seven elements is Jamboard.

Dysgu Digidol Jamboard Example
🌐 Dysgu Digidol Jamboard example
The Dysgu Digidol Jamboard Example provides practitioners with a useful digital resource to develop the seven elements found in Dysgu Da.
Before using the ERW Jamboard example, please make a copy of this Jamboard in your Drive BEFORE doing the task. Click the three dots on the top right of the page and choose ‘Make a Copy’ from the drop down menu. Your own copy will be available in your Drive. Share this copy with your learners to create a collaborative Jamboard.


Pedagogy is at the heart of curriculum. In designing their curriculum, schools should consider the pedagogical approaches they will need to employ to support learners in realising the four purposes. Schools should seek to develop a strong vision of learning and teaching which considers the ‘why’ and ‘how’ as well as the ‘what’. This vision will recognise the integral role of the learning environment in supporting effective learning.

Schools should ensure that practitioners have a deep and thorough understanding of the pedagogical principles and the research on which they are based. Effective pedagogy relies on an in-depth understanding of child and adolescent development. It involves exploring and reflecting on which teaching strategies will best support learning in a given context, and inquiring about the impact of this on learners. Curriculum design for learners of all ages and abilities should be underpinned by pedagogical principles. These reflect well-documented evidence about effective pedagogy.