Dysgu Da

D - Did you learn?

Getting started with reflective practice

Brief Overview of Context:

This mixture of article and video discusses what Reflective Practice is and outlines the benefits of using reflective practice to its fullest in our classrooms. It supports all noted benefits with the research behind Reflective Practice and provides clear models to illustrate the research carried out.

Cambridge International Education Teaching and Learning Team

Cambridge Assessment International Education

๐ŸŒ Getting started with Reflective Practice

The Shape of your Learning

A resource that involves a little Ed Sheeran! It asks the learner 3 reflective questions about their learning and asks them if they have any further questions - which allows you to plan your learning for next time from their responses.

The Shape of Your Learning
Plenary - Full stop and Question

Give me a . and a ?

A plenary resource asking learners for a reflective statement about their learning and a question they would like answered. This question can either be posed to a peer or can inform your planning for next lesson.

Dysgu Digidol

A selection of digital activities and resources which can be used to allow learners to reflect on their learning. The above resources can also be shared with learners electronically, to be completed independently or collaboratively.


Learners can use the 'D-Did you learn?' Jamboard as an interactive way to reflect on their learning. Ask your learners to share what they have learned, and identify next steps in their learning, by placing a sticky note on the board. You can also ask your learners to self and peer assess their work, against success criteria and share this via Jamboard. Photographs of work can be shared on Jamboard, as a way of celebrating the learning experience. You may also wish to ask your learners to identity โ€˜what went wellโ€™ and an โ€˜even better if.โ€™ Sticky notes can be placed on a new Jamboard or on an existing board to visualise the learning journey that has taken place.


Mentimeter is an interactive tool which allows practitioners to easily build engaging online presentations through questions, polls, quizzes, slides and images. Presentations can be shared with your learners, allowing opportunities for them to respond in โ€˜real-timeโ€™ and in a variety of ways. These responses include: word clouds, multiple choice, scales, matrix and open-ended questions. This tool allows practitioners and learners to reflect on the learning experience, identifying the learning that has taken place and addressing any misconceptions. As practitioners, you can use this understanding to inform future planning.

๐ŸŒ Mentimeter


Flipgrid can be used as a tool for learners to reflect on their learning. Learners can create Flipgrid videos to talk about their learning experience, show their work, discuss how they were successful and identify an โ€˜even better if.โ€™ Learners can reflect on their learning and provide suggestions for future learning opportunities. Your learners can also share videos with their peers, providing opportunities for effective peer assessment and celebration of work. As practitioners, you can use Flipgrid to provide effective feedback to your learners, by responding to their videos individually.

๐ŸŒ Flipgrid - A guide for learners (Laptop).
๐ŸŒ Flipgrid - A guide for learners (iPad/Tablet)

Padlet - 'Snap shot your learning'

Learners can use Padlet as a collaborative tool to reflect on their learning. Ask learners to 'snap shot' their learning experience by writing comments/ notes or uploading photographs/ videos onto a Padlet board. Learners can summarise the learning that has taken place, identify what went well and ask any further questions. Learners can also identify how the learning has progressed throughout the experience, suggest where they can go next on their learning journey and highlight how the learning can be applied across other Areas of Learning and Experiences.

๐ŸŒ Padlet