Dysgu Da

A - Aim high

5 tips on aspiration projects

Brief Overview of Context:

A short article written by the executive headteacher of a federation of social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) schools, who teach pupils coping with complex learning difficulties and distressing personal circumstances, in an area among the most deprived in the country. To break the cycle of aspirational disadvantage, they set out on an ambitious project and this article outlines the project and offers practical tips to encourage aspiration in our classrooms.

Steve Baker 2018

🌐 Ambition Institute - 5 tips on aspiration projects

Aspirational SMART Goal

Ask your learners to set themselves an aspirational goal within your area of learning. Using the SMART Goal criteria it allows them to clarify their ideas, focus their efforts, use their time and resources productively, and ultimately increase their chances of achieving their learning goal.

My Growth Mindset SMART Goal

Dysgu Digidol

A selection of digital activities and resources which can be used to allow learners to set themselves high goals and aspirations. The above resources can also be shared with learners electronically, to be completed independently or collaboratively.


Learners can use the 'A- Aim High' Jamboard to share learning goals and aspirations. Ask your learners to place a sticky note on the board, sharing their learning goals and aspirations for the future. You may wish to ask your learners to share a photograph of their work in order to celebrate the learning that has taken place.
🌐 A - Aim high Jamboard

🌐 Dysgu Digidol Jamboard example

Green Screen

Learners can use Green Screen to develop the element of 'Aim High.' Green Screen brings learning to life in a fun and interactive way. Learners can set themselves aspirational goals and create engaging videos via Green Screen, sharing their goals and aspirations. You may wish to provide your learners with the SMART Goal criteria prior to the task.

🌐 Green Screen by Do Ink

Adobe Spark Post

Adobe Spark Post can be used for learners to share their learning goals and aspirations. Ask your learners to create a ‘Aim High’ poster on Adobe Spark, highlighting their goals and aspirations. This can be completed via Hwb or through the ‘Spark Post’ app. Learners can personalise their posters with a variety of text and images, and posters can be displayed as a celebration of learners’ successes and aspirations.

🌐 Adobe Spark support centre on Hwb