Schedule and Routine

As the Learning Coach, you have an important role in supporting the student in setting up their schedule and routine. It is important that the Learning Coach is actively available to support the student during the school day.

Students in Kindergarten through 8th grade rely on a Learning Coach to support them during the school day. MNVA is not set up for students to school independently without the support of an active Learning Coach in the schooling environment. If you are a parent or guardian who is currently listed as your student's Learning Coach, but do not feel that you have the necessary time to support your student, please contact your student's teacher (once assigned) or contact the school counselor. As the parent/guardian, you are able to assign another adult of your choosing as the Learning Coach.

As the Learning Coach, you will need to support your student in setting up a daily school day. You will need to actively monitor your student during the school day.

MNVA monitors attendance based upon daily teacher requirements in each class. It is important that if the Learning Coach has questions about daily requirements, that the Learning Coach contact the teacher (grades K-5) or the content specific teachers (Middle School and High School).

If you need assistance or ideas in setting up a schedule and routine, feel free to contact the school counselor or your student's teacher (once assigned).