
Does my student need a computer and internet access on the first day of school?

Yes. Daily access to the internet and a computer is part of our school day/daily schooling requirements. You are choosing to enroll your student in an online school. Your student is expected to have access to a computer and internet access on their first day of school.  Your student must have access to a computer and the internet to meet schooling requirements.  If you wish to request a school issued computer, please contact the MNVA office.  Please email:  . Your student will need to have other access to a computer (go to the public library, etc) to complete online lessons and attend online classes until the school issued computer arrives. 

What if the internet goes out or there are technical issues with the computer that affect my student's ability to complete schooling.

You are choosing to enroll your student in an online school. Your student must have access to a computer and the internet to meet schooling requirements. It is important to have backup plans for when technology may not be working as planned. Ideas to consider: a public library, nearby family or friends, or neighbors. That stated, we recognize that there may be technical situations that arise. If there is a technical issue with the online school, you must contact k12 the day of your concern. K12 tech support: 866-512-2273 . Failure to contact k12 to report your concern may lead to attendance concerns. You must also notify the school, following the attendance policies. 

For more information to see if your computer is compatible with the k12 platforms, please go to: