Dr. James Van Gundia Neel (1915)

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James Van Gundia Neel (March 22, 1915 – February 1, 2000) was an American geneticist who played a key role in the development of human genetics as a field of research in the United States. He made important contributions to the emergence of genetic epidemiology and pursued an understanding of the influence of environment on genes. In his early work, he studied sickle-cell disease and thalassemia conducted research on the effects of radiation on survivors of the Hiroshima atomic bombing.[1] In 1956, Neel established the University of Michigan Department of Genetics, the first department of human genetics at a medical school in the United States. He was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1971.[2]

Neel developed the "thrifty gene hypothesis" that paleolithic humans, facing long periods of hunger punctuated by brief periods of food surplus, would have adapted genetically by processing fats and carbohydrates more efficiently during feast periods, to be physiologically resilient during periods of famine.[3] Neel believed that this genetic adaptation might have created a predisposition to type 2 diabetes mellitus. This theory was later discredited by research conducted by Neel himself.[4]

Of particular interest to Neel was an understanding of the human genome in an evolutionary light, a concept he addressed in his fieldwork with cultural anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon among the Yanomamo and Xavante in Brazil and Venezuela. His involvement in this fieldwork came under heavy scrutiny and criticism in the Darkness in El Dorado controversy, a scandal in anthropology that broke in 2000 involving numerous allegations of unethical research that threatened serious damage to Neel's reputation. The accusation is that Neel deliberately injected South American natives with virulent measles vaccine to spark off an epidemic which killed hundreds and probably thousands.[5] However, these claims against him were never substantiated with any evidence, and it was found later that the measles outbreak predated his arrival. The majority of the allegations in Darkness in El Dorado have since been found to have been fabricated by the author.

Dr. Neel attended the College of Wooster with a degree in biology in 1935 and went on to receive his Ph.D. at the University of Rochester.


Neel was deeply involved with a number of prominent organizations through the course of his career, including, but not limited to: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, American Philosophical Society, Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, National Research Council, Pan-American Health Organization, Radiation Effects Research Foundation, University of Michigan, and World Health Organization.[6]

He testified several times before committees and sub-committees of the United States Congress as an expert witness regarding the long-term effects of radiation on human populations.


James van Gundia Neel Papers[edit]

The professional papers of James V. Neel are held in the archives of the Library of the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia, PA.

See also[edit]



  • 1949 The Inheritance of Sickle Cell Anemia. Science 110: 64-66.

  • 1967 The Web of History and the Web of Life: Atomic Bombs, Inbreeding and Japanese Genes. Michigan Quarterly Review 6:202-209.

  • 1994 Physician to the Gene Pool: Genetic Lessons and Other Stories. New York: John Wiley and Sons.

External links[edit]

2000 (Feb 03) - NYTimes : "James V. Neel Is Dead at 84; Leading Genetics Researcher"



By James Glanz / Feb. 3, 2000

Dr. James V. Neel, whose work helped uncover the genetic basis of sickle cell anemia and who led extensive studies of radiation's effects on the survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, died on Tuesday at his home in Ann Arbor, Mich. He was 84.

The cause was cancer, said the University of Michigan, where he was an emeritus professor of human genetics and internal medicine.

In an approach that seems brilliantly prescient now that scientists are poised to map the entire human genome and so lay bare the genetic basis for many diseases, Dr. Neel foresaw the importance of inherited factors in understanding and treating a wide range of disorders, said Dr. William J. Schull, an emeritus professor at the University of Texas Human Genetics Center.

Dr. Neel's most recent research focused on viruses perhaps associated with genetic mutations that some researchers speculate could lead to cancer. He is also known as the founder of one of the nation's first departments of human genetics, at the University of Michigan, and as the director of an early clinic for counseling patients about genetic diseases they may carry.

For all those reasons, said Dr. Francis S. Collins, director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, ''Dr. Neel can be said to have birthed the field of human genetics.''

James Van Gundia Neel was born in Hamilton, Ohio, on March 22, 1915. Reared largely by his mother, after his father's death, he earned an undergraduate degree from the College of Wooster in Ohio in 1935. He moved to the University of Rochester in New York, where he received a Ph.D. and an M.D.

Soon after Dr. Neel completed his residency in medicine at Rochester, President Harry S. Truman authorized the National Research Council and the Atomic Energy Commission to ''undertake a continuing study of the medical and biological effects of the atomic bomb on man.'' This meant studying survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, both of which Truman had ordered destroyed with atomic weapons.

In September 1947, Dr. Neel was named acting director of field studies for the council's Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, which set about examining thousands of survivors for evidence of genetic damage caused by radiation.

''While we knew that DNA was the ultimate source of genetic information, we clearly didn't have the tools to explore variation in DNA in any kind of biochemical way,'' said Dr. Schull, who joined the study team two years later.

So, Dr. Schull said, the commission looked for evidence of genetic mutations through basic physical exams of exposed people and their children. The study was especially thorough because, at a time of severe food shortages in Japan, the commission registered people for examination when they signed up for food rations.

Aside from the scientific reasons for the study, Dr. Schull said, it was undertaken to ''give us some sense of the potential public health problem'' and how to prepare for it, if it occurred. As it turned out, once people had recovered from the immediate effects of radiation sickness, they did not show an unusually large number of catastrophic results like early death or stillborn children. In reporting on the findings, Dr. Neel emphasized that the children of survivors showed no abnormalities that might be attributable to damaged genes.

Years later, however, increased incidence of leukemia and tumors did turn up in people who had themselves been exposed to the radiation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

In the late 1940's, Dr. Neel also began studying families of African-Americans particularly prone to the blood disease called sickle cell anemia. He was the first to show that people with the most severe form of the disease had inherited two genes for the trait, a discovery that proved immensely valuable in providing couples reliable statistics on the likelihood that their offspring would have the disease.

Later, during the 1960's, Dr. Neel introduced the concept of the ''thrifty gene.'' That concept held that genes for disorders like obesity and diabetes were actually useful at an earlier stage of human history, when food was much less abundant. More recently he and colleagues studied severe genetic damage in what he called ''rogue cells'' in some human populations, including the Yanomama tribe in the Amazon.

''He asked, 'Could viruses have something to do with these chromosomal aberrations?' '' said Dr. Eugene O. Major of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, who collaborated with Dr. Neel on the work. ''The answer seems to be, 'Yes, they could.' ''

The evidence came by studying people who had been infected with the viruses and carried the rogue cells, and by directly observing genetic damage caused by viruses in the lab.

One speculative possibility is that viruses related to those could cause genetic damage that leads to cancer, Dr. Major said.

Dr. Neel is survived by his wife, Priscilla; a daughter, Frances Neel of Ann Arbor; two sons, James, of Santa Rosa, Calif., and Alexander, of Dodge City, Kan.; a sister, Mary Ann Blackwood of Atlanta, and three grandchildren.

Dr. Neel's influence is likely to grow with today's intense worldwide interest in genetics. In fact, as the genome project maps out the entire length of human DNA with the goal of laying bare its workings, and its disorders, Dr. Neel's focus on inherited diseases is looking more and more like a major theme of clinical medicine in the new century, Dr. Schull said.

''The problems that were once associated with infectious diseases have become, in the main, significantly less,'' he said, adding that this development supports ''very strongly Jim's vision that genetic disease was going to become a very large and very significant fraction of the health care problems to which persons are prey.''