Subject Specific Mentor Resources 

This page contains documents, resources and training materials that will be useful to subject mentors.  

Subject Specific Materials 

Please click on the buttons below to access subject specific resources including subject curriculum plans, subject specific lesson observation documents, assessment components and training materials.

Additional training materials to support all subject mentors

Guided Level 1 (Core) Mentor Training

Click here to access the online Level 1 (Core) Mentor Training.  This is one of two elements of compulsory training that all mentors must undergo.  The second element is subject specific which will be delivered by your Subject Tutor. 

You can work through the Core training independently, however if you require a guided session, please use the recording below to support you. 

EProfile Support

Weekly Progress Meeting.mp4

Weekly Progress Meetings

Lesson Observations.mp4

Lesson Observations

School-led Activity Log.mp4

School-Led Activity Log

Record of Attendance.mp4

Record of Attendance

Useful Documentation

PPL Induction Handbook 2022-23.pdf

Induction Period 

(University Based Only)

A supportive guide to induct trainees to placement from the start of placement until approximately the first week back after October half term. 

PPL Handbook 2023-24.docx

PPL Handbook 

(University Based Only)

Sets out expectations of the PPL experience for trainees across all phases: Beginning, Developing and Mastery. 

PGCE Secondary Lesson Plan 2022-23.docx

Lesson Plan

To be used when mentors and trainees are ready to move onto the Post Induction Phase

PGCE Secondary Calendar 2023-24 Final INDICATIVE TEACHING.xlsx - Sheet1.pdf

Indicative Teaching Schedule

A calendar overview of the PGCE programme including indicative teaching requirements in PPL (as a % of an ECT timetable)

Mythbusting the theory

The problematic nature of educational theories including Bloom's Taxonomy & VAK.

Mythbusting The Theory by John Hough.mp4

The Hope Educative Mentor Guidance

Liverpool Hope Educative Mentor Guidance.pdf

Additional Documentation for Trainee Use 

Record of Attendance.docx

Attendance Log

To be used by trainees (signed off by mentor/PLC) to record attendance at placement, to be uploaded to Eprofile at the end of each placement. 

School led activity log.docx

School-Led Activity Log

To be completed by trainees to record all additional professional contributions they have made to wider school life (outside of their classroom teaching) that have contributed to their formation as a teacher (e.g. Parents' Evening, Open Events, field trips, assemblies, role of form tutor etc).  To be uploaded to EProfile at the end of each placement. 

Initial Professional Development (IPD) Curriculum (University based only*)

*Each School Direct Alliance has its own IPD Curriculum Plan, please contact your Alliance Lead to access a copy.

Secondary IPD handbook 2022-3 (4).pdf

Assessment Toolkit 

Secondary Assessment Toolkit 21-22.pdf

Teaching Vocabulary to Learners with EAL

Click here to view the 1 hour video of the Bell Foundation's webinar "Supporting Learners with EAL" 

The Bell Foundation produce a range of useful resources which you may find interesting for use with your learners and trainees alike! Link here.