
Level 1 Core Mentor Training

Welcome to the Core (Level 1) Mentor Training Course:

Becoming a Hope Mentor.

The Liverpool Hope University mentor development curriculum is informed by the best mentoring practice and evidence that supports these practices (e.g. Ellis et al 2020; Deans for Impact, 2017; Hobson et al 2016; DfE,2016 ). It has been co-planned with a range of expert colleagues including lead mentors and Teacher Educators from other universities. offering mentors opportunities to explore competing ideas, research and debates around mentor practice.

Underpinned by the `Hope Teacher Principles of Mentoring', the mentor curriculum is designed to develop the ethical and moral dimensions of supporting trainee teachers needed to underpin the foundations of a Hope Teacher.

The mentor curriculum is carefully sequenced and coherently planned allowing mentors to gain the required mentoring knowledge and skills by the end of their core training (Level 1). The curriculum is designed to ensure cohesion across the university and school-based learning experiences.

Anyone hosting a Liverpool Hope trainee is expected to have completed this level one core mentor training in addition to attending the accompanying Professional Practice Curriculum Training (Phase and Subject Specific) events. Details of these can be found here.

The Core Mentor course comprises of 4 modules and considers:

You will have opportunities to reflect individually, research the key issues in relation to mentoring and share insights with fellow course participants. Finally, you will complete a self-evaluation reflecting on your personal mentoring strengths and areas for development in line with the national mentoring standards.

This course will take approximately two hours to complete.