Progress Reviews.mp4

How to use the e-profile - a video guide 

Quality Assurance.mp4

Quality Assurance for PLCs 

A brief video guide

Liverpool Hope Educative Mentor Guidance.pdf

LHU Educative Mentor

Principles of Mentoring Summary

Principles of Mentoring 

Effective Mentoring.docx

Effective Mentoring


Supporting Trainee Workload

Mentor Sharing Good Practice.pdf

Sharing Good Practice

Final Induction

School Based Training Induction

Trainee Teachers Induction Welcome pack OLL Catholic Primary.pdf


Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Nursery & Primary Trainee Teacher Induction 

HOPE Prescot Primary School ITT Welcome Booklet (1).pdf


Prescot Primary School Trainee Teacher Welcome Pack

Targeted Support Plan (1).docx

Targeted Support Plan Procedures 

(Please complete on e-profile )

Termination of Placement Form .docx

Placement Termination Form