Module Four


Module Four: Your Progress and Review

The final step of your level one mentor training is to complete a self evaluation reflecting on your own strengths and areas for development linked to the National standards for Mentoring.

Once completed please submit your self evaluation and a certificate of completion will be emailed to you.

Thankyou for completing the core mentor training.

The professional development activity conpleted in Level One can be counted towards a full Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Mentoring & Training. This PG Certificate comprises two 30 credit modules.

To complete Module One of the PG Certificate: Principles and Practices of Effective Mentoring and Coaching, mentors will be required to complete 3 online top up sessions, an optional one-to-one tutorial and submit an assessment. Click on the link for further details.

If you are interested in developing your mentoring and coaching skills further please contact either Partnership or the CPD team


Caires S., Almeida, L. and Vieira, D. (2012) ‘Becoming a teacher: student teachers’ experiences and perceptions about teaching practice’, European Journal of Teacher Education, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 163–78.

Calderhead, J. and Shorrock, S. (1997) Understanding teacher education, London, Falmer Press.

Daloz, L. (1986) Effective teaching and Mentoring, San Francisco, Jossey Bass.

Deans for Impact (2016) Practice with purpose: The emerging science of teacher expertise. Available at:

Kagan, D. (1992) ‘Professional growth among preservice and beginning teachers’, Review of Educational Research, vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 129–69.

Korthagen, Loughran & Russell (2006) Developing fundamental principles for teacher education programs and practices

Maldrez, A., Hobson, A., Tracey, L. and Kerr, K. (2007) ‘Becoming a student teacher: core features of the experience’, European Journal of Teacher Education, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 225–48.

National Standards for school-based initial teacher training (ITT) mentors (2016). DFE

The Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Core Content Framework, EEF. DFE

Addressing workload in initial teacher education,