Space Planning Consultations

What is Space Planning?

Space planning helps you maximize the available space in a way that makes sense for how the space is actually used. It focuses on the layout and furnishings of a livable interior, embellishment or ornamentation. 

Option #1

Verbal Space Planning Consultation:

Description of Service:

I will discuss placement ideas of where to move your current pieces of furniture based upon the functionality of the space, in and out traffic patterns, clearance measurement requirements and your needs. 

If new pieces could be added to improve the function, flow, quality and aesthetic of the space, I will share my recommendations. This will all be done verbally on the day of consultation where you are advised to take your own notes. 

Approximate Time: 1-2 hours, depending on size of house

BONUS: *This is included in the Walk and Talk Staging Consultation*

Option #2

Site Measure with Written Summary Space Plan 

Description of Service:

I will take measurements of your space for creating an accurate floor plan to provide to you with your new layout in a finished written summary. If new furniture or decor is needed, suggestions will be provided with attached pictures and links to find items.

This can be a stand alone service for preparing a home for sale or for an owner who wants to update their home. 

Approximate Time: 1-2 hours, depending on size of house

BONUS: *This is included in the written Summary Staging or Redesign Consultation Summary service.

"Neuroscientist have been doing plenty of research on the bond between interior decorating and design with our emotions and have found amazing results. 

They've shown the ability interior design elements have to evoke a positive or negative emotion. 

This opens the door to design spaces that consciously manipulate decorative elements with the goal of encouraging creativity, peace and happiness." -Chloe Taylor in Psychology Tomorrow magazine, 

EMAIL: or 

Call (1)226-921-0840 For Pricing & Availability 

*The Approximate times are based on average size square footage residential homes. Some properties are larger than others, some have more work to be done in order to increase the financial value.*