Student Leadership Team

meet the Student leadership team! (AKA S.L.T.)

The Student Leadership Team is a select group of students from each grade who help organize a number of events in the school meant to promote spirit, and grow culture so that students may thrive in a positive environment. As advocates for the student body, the students learn to work at the student and teacher level to help organize and coordinate events and enhance the high school experience by uniting the groups and departments within the school in support for one another. Some examples of these events include Grade 8 Orientation, Track-a-thon, Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Mental Health Awareness week, Fun-day, and Spirit Weeks, and many more.

For when you transition into high school, here are some tips and tricks to consider!


SLT President
Vice President #1
Vice President #2
Director of Promotions

cops for cancer  

check out @hcstudentleadership for more ;)

At HC, we typically have bi-monthly Non Uniform Days (aka Jeans Days) in which we fundraise for an initiative/fundraisers
Your mental health is a priority! The student leadership team habitually advocates for mental health - so know that, even though high school is often times scary and stressful, you're never going through it alone
These are some studying tips accumulated by the 2020 Student Leadership Team during quarantine!

Day in The Life of Our 2023 - 2024 Grade Representatives!