Marautanga - Curriculum

Learning at Hinds School

We aim to provide a broad and rich curriculum. The core curriculum of literacy and mathematics is the morning focus from Monday to Thursday. Rich curriculum learning encompasses student wonderings and initiatives, local curriculum, inquiry and identified priorities from whānau and extends across science and social sciences, technology and digital technology, health and physical education, and the Arts. Thorough Te Reo immersion we recognise and celebrate the cultural heritage of our tamariki both Tangata Whenua and Tauiwi.  Te Reo is immersed in our learning programme through language and learning opportunities.  We encourage whānau to  become involved is supporting the school with their voice and expertise.

 As a school we pride ourselves on knowing our learners and shaping education and learning programmes to best support our students.  We shape learning programmes to meet the needs of our learners and actively review this through student voice, assessment and teacher and whānau voice.  

Please visit the learners section to find out more about learning at Hinds School 

Learning supports and extension:  We connect with MindPlus in Ashburton a branch of NZ Centre for Gifted Education ( as an extension programme for gifted learners;  the Board of Trustees fund Ako Ora, a wellbeing and learning support initiative accessible for all students; and we have a team of expert teacher aides who work across classrooms.  

A special feature of our school is the year 1-8 structure.   We aim for our students to leave Hinds School as capable and confident learners; as well rounded individuals who have strong Hinds Dispositions and can embrace challenge and opportunity.

Hinds School Learning Community Partnership 

Hinds Curriculum Framework 

Our Whānau, kaiako and ākonga have identified 4 dispositions that shape our local curriculum,  the way we learn & teach,  and the way we develop the holistic person at Hinds School. 

Technology for Year 7/8.

Our students attend the Mid Canterbury Technology Centre for two terms each year,  for a whole day session.  Students participate in a range of learning experiences with soft materials, hard materials, food and construction and digital technology.   Hinds School and parents contribute to student fees to attend technology.  Technology is a great opportunity to explore new learning.