Home Learning
Please ensure your child follows the following safe practices of being online
Parents please provide supervision for your child online, this needs to be age appropriate.
Students will not share any personal information about themselves or others on any internet or social media platform.
Students google email account is to be used for approved sign ups for education purposes only, as directed by the classroom teacher.
Students are not permitted to use their school gmail account as a signup account for any other accounts outside of those permitted by Hinds School e.g Facebook, Instagram or other forms of Social Media.
Students will not enter into any form of bullying or inappropriate conduct using devices or social media. The school discipline policy will be enacted to address conduct as required.
If students come across any inappropriate images or contexts they will inform their teacher or parent immediately
Google Meets
When participating in online meetings we ask that students are in the lounge or kitchen (not a bedroom and not in PJs).
Students join the meet with microphone turn on and video on and meet the teacher. The teacher will instruct students if they need to turn microphones off.
Please have ready the equipment needed for the session
Students are to sign off and leave the meet at the end of the session.
Here are some resources that can help support your family
to keep safe in digital environment.
Google Classroom guide
Above is a how to get into google classroom please watch this video.