Mō te Kura - Our School

Kia ora, Kia orana, Kamusta, Hola, Guten Tag, Talofa, Malo e le lei, Bula vinaka, Namaste, 你好 , こんにちは, 안녕하세요, Mabuhay & Welcome

We have a dedicated staff who work hard to foster a love of learning and success for all students and cater for all students' abilities and needs.  We have a wonderful group of students, they are passionate, motivated and keen to learn and be challenged.  We focus on developing the holistic child and the Hinds School Dispositions, and developing student agency and student voice in their learning. 

A special feature of our school is the year 1-8 structure.  As seniors our students have a strong voice, a rich learning programme which is completed by the Technology Centre, and lots of opportunity to challenge and explore learning.  We aim for our students to leave Hinds School as capable and confident learners, as well rounded individuals who have strong Hinds Dispositions and can embrace challenge and opportunity.  In 2020 our senior students developed the bike track from a concept through to completion, undertaking all the work as part of their learning programme including fundraising.  We have areas within our bike track project to continue with, along with other students initiatives.  2022-2024 will see some art works and the redevelopment of the area by Kereru by the students.  We are very proud of our students, and proud of our school and what we can offer.    

Your child’s schooling is a partnership between the school and home, and we encourage your involvement in your child’s development as their first teacher.  We celebrate learning through the Hero platform with parents so you can enjoy the learning success along with your child.  

We encourage parents and whanau to be involved with school activities or coming in to offer support in the classroom, or to pop in and join us.    Your classroom teacher will talk to you about upcoming events, or parental help activities across the year.  If you are keen to be involved during the day,  please talk to the office or your classroom teacher as we are always keen to have parents involved.  We have a very active Home and School which provide a forum to meet new parents and get involved in our school. 

Daily and weekly correspondence between home and school take the format of Hero, Seesaw,(in the junior school) facebook, the school newsletter and the school website.  We have regular newsletters to parents and regular updates on events on our school facebook page.   In 2022 we introduced Hero as a tool to share learning and communication with whānau. Hero will become our main platform for sharing learning and communication over the next couple of years. 

Please visit the school website from time to time to catch up on school events and photos.  We value parents at Hinds School and have a strong commitment to our tamariki.  Please contact the school and your classroom teacher if you have any concerns or queries.


Amanda Ferguson


Support and Resources

Hinds Annual Plan 2024 - Overview (1).pdf
MCTC Strategic and Annual Plan 2024 - Community - Partnerships & Creating Connections (1).pdf

Hinds School oversees the running of the 

Mid Canterbury Technology Centre (MCTC).

 Click here to go to the MCTC website.