The Theme

2021-22 Debate & Diplomacy in History: Successes, Failures, Consequences.

Debate and Diplomacy in History_ Successes, Failures, Consequences.pdf

We will spend two days going over the theme of NHD in class. During this time you will be expected to find two good topic ideas to share with the class. I will then share everyone ideas so we can create a list for those that are unsure on what they want to do. Please choose your topic wisely.

Topics: Choose your topic wisely. Everyone has different interest and you will want a topic that fits your interest. You also need a topic that fits the theme, has a good amount of primary and secondary sources, and is a part of history (over 15 years old). Topics should be narrowed down to an event in history. From that event you can expand and elaborate on your topic to help fill up your board or project.

​We will start by looking up topic ideas as a class. Each person will fill out the google form shared with you two times. This form is not your final topic form. The final topic form is found on the Parent Contract Page.

The topic look up will be graded as:

  • Students put time and effort in class (5-1)

  • Each topic idea has all the required parts. (5-1)

  • Topic ideas are somewhat original and show some care. (5-1)

  • Neatness and grammar. (5-1)