Finding a Book

Book Look Up.mp4

Use the video to help you find a book. The website may have changed slightly.

Everyone individually will need a book on their NHD topics by November 29th 8th grade, 8th grade and Nov 16th , 7th grade. There are four steps to this process.

  1. Check our library

  2. Check Washington County library and order books with help of Mr. C

  3. Ask Mr. C if he has a book on the topic

  4. Find it your self. Order it?

Extra Credit: Find one example of a person you will attempt to contact: some sort interview, group, organization, museum, or historical site. This could be one of your primary or secondary sources. 8th Grade this assignment is due November 5th. 7th Grade this assignment is due Dec 5th for all students.

Library Links & Book Resources