Press the arrow to the right to see your reading and writing tasks for this week.

  • The first task is a writing task for your secondary school so think about how you need to impress your new English teachers! Look at the ‘My Memories of Primary School’ Google Slides. Plan out your piece of writing using the planning sheet. Then, create a piece of writing using your planning sheet to support you. Remember all the new concepts you have been taught in Year 6, you can use any equipment/resource to support you in creating this piece of writing. Please complete this as a handwritten piece of work and not word processed. This piece of work can then be either posted to your secondary school (for KKS please write F.A.O. Mrs Walker on the front) or you can take it with you on your first day in September. Perhaps you could then share some of your work using the ‘My Memories of Primary School’ flip grid.

  • There are also three new Wonder chapters from Mrs Ladds to listen to (remember you can always press the button to access previous Wonder chapters). After listening to these new chapters, you are then able to complete the task ‘Good or Bad Parents’.

  • Read the guidance document called ‘60 second reads guidance’. Then complete the comprehension called ‘Help!’.

My Memories of Primary School Secondary School Task

My Memories of Primary School- 2020 transition task.pptx

Mrs Ladds Reading Chapter 1 Via (Pages 82 & 83 A Tour of the Galaxy) from Wonder

Via Chapter 1 (Pages 82 & 83 A Tour of the Galaxy) from Wonder.webm

Mrs Ladds Reading Chapter 2 & 3 (Pages 84 - 87 Before August and Seeing August) from Wonder

Chapter 2 & 3 (Pages 84 - 87 Before August & Seeing August) from Wonder .webm
Good or Bad Parents Activity Sheet.pdf

Remember, you have a MyOn task to complete by the 17th July. See the documents below to help you with this:

How to Use MyOn
Using MyOn.webm
60-Second Reads Guidance (y5 and y6).pdf