Learn Its

Welcome to Heron Hill Learn Its area!

Mrs Wilkinson and Miss Watson have drawn together many songs, games, activities and video clips from a wide range of sources to help Heron Hill children learn their multiplication and division tables.

Here are a few tips for learning Learn Its:

Aim to focus fully on learning just one set of facts at a time.

For example, if you are learning the 9 times tables, just work on a few 9 x table facts at a time, gradually building up your recall of number facts.

Songs are a great way to help you to learn and remember: you'll find catchy tunes on each of the Learn Its pages, as well as recordings on this page made by some of our lovely Year 5 children.

Get the whole family involved in learning! Print off and play times tables games together, count in multiples of 9 (0.9,18,27,36...) as you march around the garden, chalk facts your're finding harder to remember on flagstones in the garden or pin them to the fridge.

Absolutely saturate yourselves in the times tables you want to learn, until you know them 'as well as your own name'. That's a phrase we use to underline the fact that times tables should be instantly recalled, in any order, e.g. 7 x 9, 3 x 9, 27 = ? x 3, 5 x ? = 45, etc.

Once you know your 9's, go on to learn another set of multiplication tables...but revisit the 9's regularly. We call this 'keeping your skills sharp'.

Most importantly, have fun! Sing, dance, make up silly rhymes...anything to help you build up your memory of these essential building blocks of mathematics.

Key online Maths resources and websites:

If your child is in Years 2 to 6, they will have been provided with a Mathletics login. Click on the button below to access the website.

Everyone else can use BBC Bitesize, Hit the Button and NRich. Explore these highly recommended sites to find maths number fact fun.

Maths cups game.mp4

Cups Maths Game

A simple way to learn any of your times tables facts.

Watch the video - this is one of our children's favourites!

Songs are a really effective way to learn times tables. The BBC have created some fantastic songs - called 'Supermovers' - to all the different times tables. Here is a link to all the songs - but you can also find each song on the individual times table pages.

In school, (before Lockdown and social distancing), we created our own songs for some of the times tables based on well known nursery rhymes- click on each link below to listen to the children singing our songs.

Share your fantastic Learn Its maths work using the form below.