
We're going to miss you all! Have a fantastic summer holidays - you deserve it!

Thank you SO much to all of you for being such fantastic year 4s!

We are so sorry we didn't get to finish the year in the classroom with you but we are so proud of you for keeping going with your learning from home in these strange times! Thank you for sharing all the activities you have done in photos and Flipgrid videos - we have LOVED seeing your work and, more importantly, your smiling faces! So we want to celebrate YOU and your amazing efforts both in school and at home during Lockdown!

Fabulous memories of Year 4!

We hope you enjoy looking through these photos and that they bring back some really happy memories of all the things we have done this year - before and during Lockdown! We're really looking forward to hearing your favourite memories as you share them this week.

Before Lockdown!

Memories of Y4 - new.mp4

During Lockdown!

Memories of Lockdown.mp4

Well done to everyone who has been working hard on Mathletics in Year 4!

We are so proud of all you have achieved on Mathletics during Year 4, and we are pleased to announce our top 10 scorers!

The school MATHLETE OF THE YEAR will be announced in the Celebration Assembly video at the end of term.

4H top scorers this year!

Max – 80,502

Jake – 75,028

Finley – 73,454

Jake – 71,505

Thomas – 66,554

4L top scorers this year!

Bailey – 90,336

Valentina – 47,464

Isaak S. – 46,978

Harry - 45,209

Erin – 45,095

4L: Top points scorer this week

***Lucas A. ***

Great work!

4H : Top points scorer this week

***Max B.*** (for the 6th week running! Congratulations!)

Gold certificates this week to....

Harry Joshua M.

Well done!

Reading Superstars

A huge well done to you all for keeping up with your reading and quizzing. This week we especially want to celebrate your progress and here is a special mention for those of you who have earned 4 or more certificates during your time in Year 4. You are star readers - keep it up!


Margot (11!!)

Max (5)

Isaac (4)

Toly (4)

Jake P (8)

Bella (12!!!!)

Oascar (4)


Lucas A (4)

Bailey (5)

Robin (4)

Valentina (5)

Theo (4)

Aimee (4)

Caleb (4)

Isaak (5)



This week's Star Readers!



Year 4 Word Millionaires!!

Well done to everyone who has read over a MILLION words during Year 4! You are amazing.



Isaac S.

Lucas B.





Jake P - his 3rd million! Wow!!

Finally, many congratulations to everyone who has a birthday over the summer. We hope you have a happy birthday and some wonderful celebrations!


Benjamin 31st July

Charlie E 4th August

Lucas B 11th August


Oscar 23rd July

Max B. 7th August

Isaac E. 30th August