Summer Camps

2024 Leadership Camp to Marine Corps Boot Camp at Parris Island, SC

This is a four-day camp where cadets are exposed to what a recruit goes through to earn the title of United States Marine.  Cadets are exposed to how a recruit is fed and where they live.  The schedule includes things like the yellow footprints, basic warrior training, crucible overview, marksmanship training, physical fitness, martial arts training, confidence and obstacle courses, the Parris Island museum, observe swim qualification, morning colors, and a Marine Corps graduation. There was no cost to participate, and the cadets were fed at the Marine Corps chow hall. 

2023 Henrico County Leadership Camp

This is a four-day camp where cadets from the Marine Corps JROTC programs from J. R. Tucker, Hermitage, and Highland Springs High Schools worked with the Henrico County  Police, Fire, and Sheriff's Departments. The cadets spent a day with each department and learned the requirements for working with the departments and what they do daily. On the fourth day, the cadets had a field meet. 

There was no cost to participate, and lunch was provided. 

Sheriff's Department

Fire Department

Police Department 

Police Dept at Henrico County Leadership Camp.mp4

Police Department

Henrico County Leadership Camp Sheriff.mp4

Sheriff's Department

2023 JROTC Fire Camp.mp4

Fire Department

HCL Field Meet.mp4

Field Meet

2022 Leadership Camp to Marine Corps Boot Camp at Parris Island, SC

This is a four-day camp where cadets are exposed to what a recruit goes through to earn the title of United States Marine.  Cadets are exposed to how a recruit is fed and where they live.  The schedule includes things like the yellow footprints, basic warrior training, crucible overview, marksmanship training, physical fitness, martial arts training, confidence and obstacle courses, the Parris Island museum, observe swim qualification, morning colors, and a Marine Corps graduation. There was no cost to participate, and the cadets were fed at the Marine Corps chow hall. 


The Drill Instructor Welcome 


The Yellow Foot Prints


Physical Training




Marine Corps Marial Arts Program




Gas Chamber


Leadership Reaction Course


Marine Corps Bootcamp Graduation

Confidence Course

Swimming Instruction


The Iwo Jima Memorial