19' FRC Team! 

2019 The Year It All Started

The OHS Jag-Wires started May 29th, 2018 in an after-school interest meeting for student recruitment by Lead Mentor Stephanie Creech. In 2019, we had 23 students who participated in the FIRST Robotics Competition from the beginning of the year to the end. Our team was 70% female, 30% male, 65% minority, and 53% socioeconomically disadvantaged. Our students came from vastly different backgrounds but learned to become a family. We had students who were academically gifted, learning disabled, autistic, and extremely shy.  Each student was able to find a place to fit on our team and find a strength that contributed in a positive way. 

Most of our students are not engineering minded. Almost all came to us without skills for using power tools, CAD programming, public speaking, website design, or marketing. By the end of the year, our students' skills improved drastically. One student who became so crippled from panic attacks when speaking in front of strangers was able to actively participate in the Rookie All-Star interview at our state championship. Another student taught himself how to build the team website. Three students who have not taken any finance or marketing classes wrote our business plan to submit at our competitions and ended up winning the Entrepreneurial Award at our second district competition. The team was also able to compete at the FIRST World Competition as the FIRST North Carolina Rookie All-Star.