Our Story! 

It All Started in 2018.....

After one of our co-founders, Stephanie Creech experienced what robotics could offer at a FIRST Robotics program at Campbell University, Mrs. Creech came to Mr. Williams and pitched the idea! With the use of Mr. Williams's auto shop, the help and mentorship of his family, and the help of Mrs. Creech and her experience we put Jag-Wires into motion! 


Our rookie year! We didn't know much but we knew we were gonna make a robot and make it great! Charlie may have at one point looked a little similar to Swiss cheese but he still pulled through and carried us all the way to States! We participated in Thor, Asheville, Pembroke, and Worlds hosted out in Huston, Texas. We also attend the all girls FIRST Robotics event Doyenne Inspiration! 


We started off the year strong and then sadly COVID-19 made its debut. We successfully built our robot Kobe, and he took us to UNC Pembroke! Because of COVID we weren't able to attend any other competitions, but we are still grateful for what our team was able to experience at Pembroke and during the off/build season! 


Learning how to work with the new COVID restrictions and lack of student body, we got together who we could and started to build our 2021 robot K9! K9 sadly never made it to any official competitions, but he still provided our team with skills that'll last us a lifetime. He taught us to work together, to have patience, and to appreciate what we were able to accomplish! We finished off the year attending Thor 2 with our 2020 robot Kobe, where we placed as one of the top 3 finalists. 


Coming back from COVID was difficult. We started the year off with only 3 returning members so we had to start off from scratch. We recruited new members, got to know each other through the off-season, and dedicated a day to team bonding, a new tradition of the Jag-Wires! We began build season and built our robot Gr8 Dane, named after K9 whose parts we retired and recycled to Gr8 Dane. Gr8 Dane took us through Guildford, UNC Pembroke, and to States held at Campbell University. 


This year is our first back to normal year and we kicked it off with a bang. We hosted Kick-Offs this season and are glad everyone came and watched the live stream with us! We have progressed greatly through build season and are now ready for competition! 

2024: Ready for the Next Round!