Meet Charlie

Meet Our Very First Bot, Charlie

Charlie was our rookie team robot that took us to Worlds! He's a monument that presides in our shop still to this day. Charlie represents not only the beginning of The Overhills Jag-Wires but tenacity, dedication, and commitment, though to one of our lead mentors, Mr. Kevin Williams, it represents his father, Charlie Williams. Mr. Williams and his father are one of the main reasons  The Overhillls Jag-Wires were able to become a team. They dedicated their time and resources to our club and allowed us to flourish as a team. Sadly, Charlie Williams passed, a loss to our team and Mr. Williams. Though that did not stop his perseverance, he wanted to continue building Charlie and honor his father. Charlie took time to build and he certainly wasn't an easy build, to say the least; it was our first year together and he was our very first bot built from scratch. Charlie did often at times look like swiss cheese but our mechanical team all pulled together and got Charlie to look like he does now. A winner. A monument. A memorial. 

 Charlie's Build Season 

Pictures From Competition 

Asheville Event 

State Championship at Campbell University