Dress Code



The dress code at Hampden DuBose Academy lends support to our position that learning and academic pursuits should be taken seriously and therefore, treated with respect and dignity.  The dress code reflects Christian ideals of modesty and encourages a sense of attentiveness to the important matter of learning. Colossians 3:2, Romans 12:2.

Classroom teachers deal with daily questions regarding dress.  Every effort will be made to help students follow the set standards in spirit and in deed. The administration reserves the right to interpret the dress guidelines.  The administrator shall determine when a student’s personal hygiene, appearance, or dress is such that it disrupts or interferes with the educational and spiritual process or endangers the health and safety of the student or others.


Students must wear shoes at all times on campus or at school-­‐sponsored activities. Because of the nature of our campus, athletic shoes are advised for everyday school dress. Athletic shoes are required for all PE classes and athletic events. Flip-­‐flops, Crocs, sandals, string shoes, platform shoes, wheeled shoes, combat boots, or any shoes deemed inappropriate are prohibited.

School Polo Shirts:

HDA branded uniform Polo shirts and PE uniforms are available exclusively through Dennis Uniforms, located in Maitland. All students must wear a uniform polo shirt daily. K-6th grade students may wear their PE uniform all day on their scheduled PE days (see guidelines below).

• K5-12th Black or Royal Polo


School Polo Ordering Information:

Dennis Uniform

1101 N. Keller Rd.Suite G3

Orlando, FL. 32810


Please call ahead to verify their store hours.


Online Ordering is also available!

• Use School Code: EDD

Uniform Shorts, Skirts, Slacks:

You may purchase the uniform shorts, skirts, or slacks at any department store that carries uniform clothing (Target, WalMart, Bealls, JCPenney, etc.)

Please note all bottoms must be uniform-style clothing. No jeans, leggings (unless worn under shorts) or jean-style clothing.

Cold Weather Daily Uniform:


High school students in the work program will be issued appropriate uniforms for their job descriptions.

PE will take place every Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday, depending on grade.  Students are required to wear the solid blue or grey top and black shorts purchased with Dennis Uniform.