



Distinguished Professor, NCKU FLLD



1. 英國諾丁漢大學,批判理論及英國文學博士

PhD in Critical Theory and English Literature, University of Nottingham, U. K.

2. 英國諾丁漢大學,批判理論碩士

MA in Critical Theory, University of Nottingham, U. K.

3. 國立成功大學,外國語文學系學士

BA in Foreign Languages and Literature, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan



1. 文學院院長

Dean, College of Liberal Arts

2. 台南哲學學會會長

Chair, Philosophy Association in Tainan

3. 蘇雪林基金會董事兼總幹事

Executive Secretary, Su Xue-Lin Foundation

4. 成大思沙龍執行長兼指導老師

Chief Executive Officer, NCKU Thinkers Salon

5. 英美文學學會理事

Board Member of the ROC English and American Literature Association

6. 成大「成鷹計劃」創辦人及主持人

Director, NCKU English Eagle Project

7. 全民英檢台南考區試場主持人

Director, GEPT Tainan Division

8.國立成功大學EMBA 碩士E112 校務長

The Chief of University Affairs, EMBA E112, National Cheng Kung University.



1. 西方當代哲學 Contemporary Western Philosophy

2. 批評理論 Critical Theory

3. 當代英文文學 Contemporary English Literature

4. 列維納斯研究 Levinas Studies



110學年 - 上學期, 通識中心批判思考:當代文學理論

110學年 - 上學期, 外文系英文作文(一)

110學年 - 上學期, 外文所碩一文學批評

110學年 - 上學期, 師培中心學程英文/語文領域英語實習輔導

110學年 - 下學期, 外文系文學批評

110學年 - 下學期, 外文系英文作文(二)

109學年 - 上學期, 通識中心批判思考:當代文學理論

109學年 - 上學期, 外文系文學批評(一)

109學年 - 上學期, 師培中心學程英文/語文領域英語實習輔導

109學年 - 上學期, 外文所碩一二文學批評

109學年 - 下學期, 外文系文學批評(二)

109學年 - 下學期, 外文所碩博心理分析與文學



教育部師鐸參與獎 (2019)

Ministry of Education, Outstanding Teaching Award (2019)


Ministry of Education, Nominated Candidate of Outstanding Teaching Award (2017)


NCKU, Outstanding Teaching Award (2016)


NCKU, Distinguished Professor (2015)


Ministry of Education, Awards of Art—Prose Honorable Mention (2013)


NCKU, Outstanding Teaching Award (2007)


NCKU, Outstanding Teaching Member (2007)


A. 期刊論文

  1. Chung-Hsiung Lai,"〈高教雲端化?:全球大學「推牆」與「護牆」現象的探討〉",; 《教育研究月刊》(期刊論文 11 2017)[link]

  2. Chung-Hsiung Lai,""On (Im)Patient Messianism: Marx, Levinas, and Derrida"",Levinas Studies;(期刊論文 01 2016)[link]

  3. Chung-Hsiung Lai,"〈愛或不愛?:論自我犧牲與女性主體〉",; 《中山人文學報》(期刊論文 07 2016)[link]

  4. Chung-Hsiung Lai,""Rethinking New Sensibility: On Marcuse’s Ontological Aesthetics"",Journal of Contemporary Thought;(期刊論文 11 2014)[link]

  5. 賴俊雄,"〈回應他者:當代敘事困境與《午夜之子》的他異敘事〉",; 《中山人文學報》vol : 36, no : 1, pp : 59- 94(中華民國期刊論文 01 2014)[link]

  6. 賴俊雄,"〈當代離散:差異政治與共群倫理〉",; 《中外文學》vol : 43, no : 2(SCI 06 2014)[link]

  7. 賴俊雄,"〈回應鬼魂:當政治幽靈遇見倫理臉龐〉",; 《文山評論:文學與文化》vol : 7, no : 1, pp : 1- 31(SCI 12 2013)[link]

  8. 賴俊雄*,"〈如果愛—論愛的三種慾望經濟〉",; 《中外文學》vol : 40, no : 2, pp : 9- 54(中華民國期刊論文 06 2011)[link]

  9. Chung-Hsiung Lai,""Nomadic Desire: The Schizo-Identity in Mona in the Promised Land"","Intergrams";, pp : 1- 19(期刊論文 12 2010)[link]

  10. 郭欣茹;賴俊雄*,""Making Abnormality: Normalization of Discursive e Gaze & Technologies of the Self in ‘Paul’s Case"","Journal of Contemporary Thought"; 《當代思想期刊》vol : 28, no : 4, pp : 55- 75(期刊論文 12 2008)[link]

  11. 賴俊雄,"〈暴力經濟學:倫理,法律與正義〉",; 《文山評論》vol : 6, no : , pp : 1- 32(中華民國期刊論文 03 2007)[link]

  12. 賴俊雄,"〈論傅柯的《規訓與懲罰》〉",; 《文化研究@嶺南》vol : 3, no : (中華民國期刊論文 01 2007)[link]

  13. 賴俊雄,""Altered Narrative: A Narratee-oriented Narrative in Midnight's Children"","Journal of Comtemporary Thought"; 《當代思想期刊》vol : 25, no : 2, pp : 57- 59(期刊論文 12 2007)[link]

  14. 賴俊雄,"〈回歸論理: 論列維納斯的倫理政治〉",; 《中外文學》vol : 36, no : 4, pp : 11- 38(中華民國期刊論文 12 2007)[link]

  15. 賴俊雄;陳慧琴 Fay Chen,""The Time is Out of Joint: A Derridean Reading of Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway"","EurAmerica";vol : 37, no : 2, pp : 227- 254(中華民國期刊論文 06 2007)[link]

  16. 賴俊雄,""The Face of the Past: Memory and Forgetting in The Bonesetter's Daughter"","Fiction and Drama";vol : 17, no : , pp : 1- 20(期刊論文 03 2007)[link]

  17. 賴俊雄,""Limits and Beyond: Greenblatt, New Historicism and a Feminist Genealogy"","Intergrams: Studies in Languages and Literature";vol : 7, no : 1, pp : 1- 29(期刊論文 03 2006)[link]

  18. 賴俊雄,"〈友誼政治與父權治理〉",; 《 當代中國哲學學報》vol : 1, no : 4, pp : 33- 54(期刊論文 06 2006)[link]

B. 研討會論文

  1. Chung-Hsiung Lai,""Who am I?: On Posthuman Ethics between Levinas’s Dog and Derrida’s Cat"",Posthumanities in Asia: Theories and Practices.;( 06 2019)[link]

  2. Chung-Hsiung Lai,""Against Racism: Political Facility and People to Come"",11th International Deleuze and Guattari Conference;( 06 2018)[link]

  3. Chung-Hsiung Lai,"〈高教雲端化?大學「推牆」與「護牆」運動的探討〉",第二十一屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會;( 07 2017)[link]

  4. Chung-Hsiung Lai,""Confronting Death: On Heidegger and Levinas"",Phenomenology and Anti-Phenomenology in Post-War France.;( 03 2017)[link]

  5. Chung-Hsiung Lai,""Virtual Face: Deleuze and Guatarri's Facial Machine"",The 9th Deleuze Studies Conference;( 07 2016)[link]

  6. Chung-Hsiung Lai,""Becoming Other: Deleuze's Politics of Difference and Re-Imagination of Diaspora"",Postcolonial Studies Association 2015 Convention;( 08 2015)[link]

  7. 賴俊雄,""Face to Face with Deleuze (Guattari) and Levinas"",《第一屆德勒茲研究在亞洲國際學術研討會》;( 06 2013)[link]

  8. 賴俊雄,""Difficult Responsibilities: Global Ethics in Levinas and New Confucianism"","The Limits of Responsibility: Histories, Species, Politics";( 12 2012)[link]

  9. Chung-Hsiung Lai,""Spectrohistory: the Haunting Histories of the Other"","Memory: Impressions, Expressions, Reflections";( 03 2012)[link]

  10. Chung-Hsiung Lai*,""Deconstructive Negotiation: On Boundary and Paradox in the Age of Border-Crossing"",The International Association For Philosophy and Literature 35th Annual Conference <EAST| WEST>: Deterritorialization, Negotiation, Glocalization;( 05 2011)[link]

  11. Chung-Hsiung Lai*,""Infinite Haunting: From Ethical Face to Political Faces"","The 4th Annual International Conference on Philosophy, Literature, and Linguistic";( 07 2011)[link]

  12. Chung-Hsiung Lai*,""Negotiating for the Future of Humanities: Ethics, Technology and Education"",The International Association For Philosophy and Literature 35th Annual Conference <EAST| WEST>: Deterritorialization, Negotiation, Glocalization;( 05 2011)[link]

  13. 賴俊雄,""On Deconstrutive Messianism"","International Conference on Literature, Art and Culture in an Age of Global Risk";( 07 2009)[link]

  14. 賴俊雄,"〈語言與哲學: 論卡維爾的日常生活哲學〉",《日常生活: 哲學、文學與美學》;( 11 2009)[link]

  15. 賴俊雄,"〈論當代離散的主體性〉",《德勒茲與跨國文化流動研究學術研討會》;( 04 2008)[link]

  16. 賴俊雄,""Between Two Modes of Face: Levinas and Deleuze"","The Third Annual Conference of the North American Levinas Society";( 09 2008)[link]

  17. 賴俊雄,""On Derrida's Democracy to Come: Deconstruction and Marxism"","The Eleventh International Conference of the Forum on Contemporary Theory";( 12 2008)[link]

  18. 賴俊雄,"〈生命的內在性: 論德勒茲的經驗主義〉",《哲學與創新: 各領域的實踐》;( 12 2008)[link]

  19. 賴俊雄,""On Spectropolitics: Derrida and Levinas"","The Annual Conference of The International Association for Philosophy and Literature";( 06 2008)[link]

  20. 賴俊雄,"〈新歷史主義對文學詮釋的創新與困境〉",《第四屆文學藝術與創意研發研討會》;( 06 2008)[link]

C. 專書及專章

  1. Chung-Hsiung Lai,""Becoming-Woman: Contemporary Assemblages in Feminist Fiction"",書林,[link]

  2. 賴俊雄,"《批判思考:當代文學理論十二講》",聯經,[link]

  3. Chung-Hsiung Lai,""Confronting Death: On Heidegger and Levinas"",[link]

  4. Chung-Hsiung Lai,""Post-Magical Realism: Critical History and Spectral Haunting in Beloved"",[link]

  5. 賴俊雄,"《回應他者:列維納斯再探》",書林,[link]

  6. 賴俊雄,"〈新歷史主義對文學詮釋的創新與困境 〉",里仁,[link]

  7. 賴俊雄,"《筆的力量 : 成大文學家論文集》",里仁,[link]

  8. 賴俊雄*,"〈傳統與才華:論艾略特的創意觀〉",里仁,[link]

  9. 賴俊雄*,"〈跨國女性文化研究:我連結,故我在〉",五南,[link]

  10. Chung-Hsiung Lai,""Defending Levinas: Interview with Chung-Hsiung(Raymond) Lai"",Duquesne UP,[link]

  11. 賴俊雄*,"〈光影之間:列維納斯的美學與其問題〉",書林,[link]

  12. 賴俊雄,"《列維納斯與文學》",書林,[link]

  13. 賴俊雄*,""Re-writing the Subject: The Thrownness of Being in the Multicultural Condition"",M.V. Dimic Research Institute,[link]

  14. 賴俊雄*,"〈他者哲學:列維納斯的倫理政治〉",麥田,[link]

  15. 賴俊雄,"〈列維納斯的倫理與美學〉",台北:書林,[link]

  16. 賴俊雄*,"〈別於存有:倫理主體與激進他異性〉",麥田,[link]

  17. 賴俊雄,"《他者哲學:回歸列維納斯》",麥田,[link]

  18. 賴俊雄,"〈存有與責任:重探海德格主體的倫理問題〉",書邦,[link]

  19. 賴俊雄*,"《再思生命哲學與文學》",書邦,[link]

  20. 賴俊雄,"〈全球化下的生存美學:傅柯的權力網絡與自我技術〉",台北:書林,[link]

  21. 賴俊雄;張大春編,"〈論暴力:德希達、列維納斯與本雅明〉",[link]

  22. 賴俊雄,"《傅柯與文學》",書林,[link]

  23. 賴俊雄;Ed. Yang, Da-chun,"“On Violence: Derrida, Levinas and Benjamin.” Re-visiting Levinas",Hangzhou: Zhe-Jiang UP,[link]

  24. 賴俊雄,"“Women in Fear: A Feminist Dystopia in The Handmaid’s Tale.” Gender and Representation",Taipei: Bookman.,[link]

  25. 賴俊雄,"〈論典範的不可共量性:孔恩與卡維爾〉",里仁書局,[link]

  26. Chung-Hsiung Lai*,""Re-Writing Women: Multi-Ethnic Others in Contemporary Novels"",[link]

  27. 賴俊雄*,""Deconstructing Boundaries: Critical Essays on Contemporary Theory"",Bookman,[link]

  28. 賴俊雄*,"《晚期解構主義》",揚智,[link]

F. 其他著作

  1. 賴俊雄,"〈專刊序:從馬克思看全球高教「雲起時」〉",[link]

  2. 賴俊雄,"〈雲師:大學教師如何磨課師〉",[link]

  3. 賴俊雄*,"〈深度發想?:腦神經元與人文研究發想模式〉",[link]

  4. 賴俊雄;蕭立君,"〈研磨自己的鏡片看世界:與賴俊雄談理論〉",[link]

  5. 賴俊雄*,"〈為何不寫書?:四道高牆與一片星空〉",[link]

  6. 賴俊雄,"〈勇敢面對:「性別麻煩」〉",五南,[link]

  7. 賴俊雄,"〈面對高教危機―從亞洲崛起看台灣英語文系所的變形金剛4〉",[link]

  8. 賴俊雄*,"〈眾裡尋「他」:列維納斯的倫理洞見〉",[link]

  9. 賴俊雄*,"〈筆的力量:成大八十 大師風華〉",里仁,[link]

  10. 賴俊雄*,"〈序:握筆與繫念〉",里仁,[link]

  11. 賴俊雄,"〈二十一世紀哲學典範的轉移〉",[link]

  12. Jill Robbins著;楊姝鈺譯;賴俊雄校譯,"〈美學整體與倫理無限〉",[link]

  13. Emmanuel Levinas著;伍曉明譯;賴俊雄校譯,"〈是其之所是(essence)與無是/無私〉",[link]

  14. 賴俊雄,"〈視野與期待:二十一世紀大學教師的教學定位〉",[link]

  15. Emmanuel Levinas著;汪素芳譯;賴俊雄校譯,"〈形上學與超越〉",[link]

  16. 賴俊雄;劉玉雯譯,"〈為列維納斯答辨:理察.柯恩訪談〉",[link]

  17. 賴俊雄;劉玉雯譯;劉秋眉譯,"〈再思列維納斯:賽蒙.奎奇立訪談〉",[link]

  18. 賴俊雄,"〈父子單車環島日記〉",[link]

  19. 賴俊雄,"〈洞見另類真理:在柏拉圖的洞穴裡閱讀後現代小說〉。中國時報(七月三十日時報科學與人文專欄)",[link]


  1. 20081201~, 成功大學電資學院, 蘋果的滋味:當代電影符號學

  2. 20081101~, 中正大學外文系, 彩虹的國度:研究的雨水與計畫的陽光

  3. 20090401~, 成功大學文學院, 真理製造與文學生產:全球化權力網絡下的生存美學

  4. 20081001~, 成大文學院, 哲學概論:何謂柏拉圖的天空?

  5. 20080601~, 成大電機系, 戰地中的歌舞:《烏干達天空下》的生命苦難與美學

  6. 20080501~, 論傅柯《性史》:生命結構與生存美學

  7. 20080520~, 南台科大, 如何安身立命?當代大學教學方法與經驗分享

  8. 20080529~, 高雄師範大學英語系, “Levinas and Feminism”

  9. 20080526~, 高雄師範大學文學院, 電影語言:解析當代電影符號學

  10. 20080401~, 中正大學外文系, 兩種當代倫理主體的可能:傅柯與列維納斯

  11. 20080408~, 台糖公司(台南分部), 全球化時代:如何提昇成人英語之學習力

  12. 20080110~, 中興大學文學院, 成為異鄉人:跨文化旅行之驚異與反思

  13. 20080117~, 港明高中, 學測英文作文策略與實作

  14. 20091120~, 中國醫藥大學, 再造英語力:新帝國、新趨勢、新方法

  15. 20091012~, 清華大學外文系, 蘋果的滋味:當代電影符號學

  16. 20090505~, 成功大學外文系, 批判性思考:真理、權力及自我技術」

  17. 20090424~, 成功大學管理學院, 全球化時代:英語進階學習力

  18. 20090425~, 成功大學文學院, 真理製造與文學生產:全球化權力網絡下的生存美學

  19. 20090305~, 成功大學文學院, 走進蘇菲的世界

  20. 20090304~, Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day:談莎士比亞情詩

  21. 20090220~, 中與大學, 創意助產術:分組討論的功能與方法

  22. 20180520~, 國立成功大學, 牽掛結構──海德格與德勒茲

  23. 20210315~, 國立成功大學 中文系所, 批判思考:當代文學理論的發展、反思與趨勢

  24. 20211014~, 國立成功大學, 天龍八「不」:撰寫 計畫的痛點與解決方案

  25. 20220125~, 國立成功大學, 英語自學力: Why, How, and What

  26. 20220318~, 淡江大學, 物質轉向?: 思索數位時代的「人文演化」

  27. 20220324~, 佛光大學, 批判思考:金魚、文學與理論