
October Newsletter

October was a thrilling month for the Taylorsville Warrior Battalion cadets. At this time, LET 1 cadets are learning the wear and appearance of the JROTC uniform. These cadets have now been issued all uniform pieces and have put them together for themselves. Along with cadets being issued uniforms, the Color Guard is making drill preparations for the upcoming event– Veterans Day– with parade practices in full swing.

Some major events that happened this month:

October 8th- The Orienteering team participated in a scoring and relay competition held at Yellow Fork Canyon. During this event, the Warrior Battalion took First place overall with c/ SFC. Mciff and c/Gillespie taking second place in relay, c/SFC. Wood and c/Pina taking second place in scoring, and c/SGT. Foster and c/SFC. Mciff taking fourth place in scoring.

October 12th- 18 selected cadets got the chance to go in the air and watch an aerial refuel flight demonstration. The cadets were super lucky as they got the chance to see a B2 bomber which is super rare seeing as not many get to see them let alone refuel one. Thank you to the Air National Guard base for this opportunity. The cadets enjoyed the experience and will have the memories for years to come.

October 20th- On this day, the top 18 cadets in the battalion had the opportunity to attend a book signing and a luncheon for four star General Dempsey. The cadets were able to usher VIPs and seat patrons along with the privilege to shake hands with General Dempsey. During the Luncheon, cadets were able to hear a vital speech on leadership from General Dempsey, in which many cadets took his advice into their own leadership roles.

October 21st- Taylorsville Warrior Battalion held a Halloween party known as “Spooktathalon”. During this event, cadets were able to mingle amongst one another as a whole battalion and play games. The cadets had the chance to participate in a pie eating and a costume contest. There was also a special brew that some of the cadets had the chance to drink.

October 26th and 27th- Cadets held the cadet and leader of the month boards. c/ Swasey was the winner of the cadet of the month board with c/ Martinez being the runner up. c/SFC Mciff was the winner of the leader of the month board with c/Kinghorn being the runner up.

Birthdays This Month

Canepari, Munoz, and Sarmiento. Happy birthday from HQ!