Committee Responsibilities

Responsibilities of the Committee & Term Time

As the elected committee you are responsible for making sure your society is a safe space for all participants. 

Please note the society year ends after elections and resumes in September when newly elected committees are trained and become official members of the society. No society events or activities should talk place between elections and the new term in September 2023. Changes to society information on all media platforms can only be made by incoming societies when they have received Mandatory student leadership training in September and are an official society. 

Society Legacy and Preservation: 

It is the responsibility of all committee members whether incoming or outgoing, to reserve information and work of all previous societies by saving information to the drive and other platform you use. All information on social media platforms from outgoing societies must be preserved by incoming societies Once they have received mandatory student leadership training in September. This can be done by keeping them all previous work visible or archiving only where necessary. Work of previous societies cannot be deleted under any circumstance.

Changes to society information on all media platforms can only be made by incoming societies when they have received Mandatory student leadership training in September.