
If you're a society

Societies decide how much they want to charge their members: £0, £3 or £5. All members must pay this subscription. Your society will keep all membership fees raised.

Membership of a society lasts throughout the academic year and must be renewed each year. In return for their membership fee, society members will receive free/discounted/exclusive entry to your events and project, as well as voting rights in your AGM and committee elections.

Societies cannot change the membership fee charged midway through the academic year.

If your society is identity based

All societies that are identity based will have free memberships, so your members will not have to pay for their subscription. This is because we do not want to charge people to join a group based on their identity.

Membership of a society that is identity based (like all other societies) lasts throughout the academic year and must be renewed each year. By joining your community, members gain voting rights in your AGM and committee elections. You may also offer discounted tickets to events, e.g. £3 entry for non-members and £2 entry for members.

All communities receive a yearly grant of £50. This is to supplement membership fees and help cover the basic running costs of a community.