
The Events Document contains everything you might need to create better student-led events as a society, community, sports club or media group. The staff team will keep updating this with extra resources and materials for you to use throughout the year. 

Please not that successfully booking a room via the room booking form online does NOT mean the event (and room) is confirmed. Notice of the proposal for an event must be submitted by completing the societies' room bookings form with 14 working days notice. A risk assessment form must also be simultaneous completed and sent to the health and safety team for approval with 14 working days notice

In the case where you are considering having a external speakers are involved in a bookings at least 25 working days notice is required. You must never under any circumstance invite a speaker without first having filled out the external speaker form and having it approved by the Health and safety team and the students' union. The event should not be publicized until risk assessment has been approved by the health and safety team, confirmation of booking has been received from room bookings. 

Once you have this approved you will then be able to invite that speaker to your event. 

If this is not done, your event will be rejected and cannot take place. 

If you the following process and forms are not completed and approved within the notice period. The university and the union reserve the right to cancel and reject your event.