What is Self-Compassion?

We can all learn to be self-compassionate. Check out this video to learn more about self-compassion and the 3 elements.

Self-Compassion has 3 elements.

1) The first one is KINDNESS. We should treat ourselves like we would a good friend.

My self-kind statements:



2) The second element of self-compassion is MINDFULNESS. Mindfulness is paying _________________

on _____________________________ without ___________________________________ (Look under the Mindfulness tab to answer these fill in the blanks.

My favourite mindfulness activities include:


Mindful Teeth Brushing

Mindful Eating

Mindful Clay

Body Scan

Mindful Listening

Mindful Music

Mindful Colouring

Mindful Stretching

3) The last element of self-compassion is COMMON HUMANITY.

Common humanity helps us to be more understanding and less judgemental of ourselves. It is an understanding that the feelings we experience are universal. Compassion means “to suffer with.” When we feel isolated or disconnected from the world, we need to remember that everyone experiences suffering and sadness. It is okay to feel anything at any time, feelings don’t last forever.