Grief & loss and COVID-19

The COVID-19 global health crisis is a stressful time for many people and this stress we are feeling gets compounded when we are also grieving. If you are having moments where you are feeling overwhelmed, this is normal. Remember that there are many people who care about you and want to help.

It is important to stay physically distant from others at this time and this creates a challenge for us to grieve in community with others and experience the connection that is helpful during grief. It is important to remember that we are not alone. We can still connect to others online and through the phone.

The grieving process looks different for every person. We all need to find our own ways to mourn and express what we are feeling on the inside. It is important to feel some of the hard feelings that come up, instead of burying them or pushing them away. It is also important to take breaks from our grief and do something that brings us joy.

Try some of these activities and see what feels right for you:

  1. Talk to an adult or loved one about how you are feeling.

  2. Draw or paint a picture of what you are feeling inside.

  3. Listen to music. You can listen to a song that reflects how you are feeling or listen to an upbeat song to help you feel better.

  4. Cuddle with a pet or stuffed animal.

  5. Write about how you are feeling in a journal.

  6. Be kind to yourself. Say things like, "even though I am feeling overwhelmed right now, I know it will pass and I will be OK."

  7. Create a self-care plan and include ways you can take care of your physical, mental and emotional health.

  8. Moving your body. Go for a walk, jump rope, or do some stretches.

  9. Ask for help. This can be difficult but many adults want to help you. Let me know if you need someone to talk to (it is okay to connect even if you don't have anything to say) -

Click here for tips for grieving teens.

How do I help my grieving friend? Click here for more information.

Other resources: