
If you are interested in taking a 30 day Mindfulness challenge (just 5-10 minutes per day) you can sign up by clicking here and filling out the form.

You can challenge your friends to do it with you!

Click here for more exercises. Which one is your favourite?

  1. Getting grounded in the present.

  2. Embodied breathing.

  3. Cocoa breathing.

  4. Wiggle to wind down.

Mindful Listening

Listen to the sounds with your eyes closed. What do you hear?

Listen and watch again to see how many you guessed correctly.


Mindfulness is paying attention, on purpose, without judgement.

-Mindful eating

-Mindful breathing

-Mindful walking

What happens to our stomach when we are hungry?

These sensations tell us that we are hungry.

Body sensations, like a lump in our throat, can help us know that we are feeling sad.

Tension in our body might tell us that we are angry.

Click here to read the article on mindful eating.

  • Know your body's signals for when you are hungry.

  • Eat slowly so that you don't over eat.

  • Consider the people who were involved in the harvesting, gathering, transportation of your food.

Mindful Colouring

The body scan is a meditation that allows us to check in with our body and experience relaxation.

Copy of Mindfulness practice cards.pdf

Mindfulness exercise: Layers of Sound
