
Journalling can have many positive effects, it:

  • provides a way to express your thoughts and feelings

  • helps you explore your goals and dreams

  • allow you to tap into your creativity

  • give you a place to express your worries or fears

  • can clear your mind

  • can help you to let go of negative thoughts

  • helps to increase self-awareness

  • increases overall well-being

If you are wondering how to start your journal, take a look at the following questions and see if any of them jump out to you.

  1. Write about a time when you were surprised.

  2. What is the hardest thing you have ever had to learn?

  3. What do you need more of in your life?

  4. What was the happiest moment of your week?

  5. What are five things that you are grateful for?

  6. Draw what you are feeling on the inside.

  7. How do you feel at this moment?

  8. What would it be like if you could control your dreams?

  9. Where is your favourite place in the world to visit?

  10. What accomplishment are you most proud of?

  11. How have you changed in the last year?

  12. What does your perfect day look like?

  13. What inspires you?

  14. Write about a time that you made a sacrifice for someone else.

  15. Do you think the town/city that you grew up in has influenced the person that you are?

  16. What is something that you believe in strongly?

  17. What is something you would like to learn?

  18. Do you act differently online than in real life?

  19. What can I do to take better care of myself?

  20. What is something that you look forward to every day?

  21. What is your greatest talent?

  22. What is the best compliment you have ever received?

  23. Write about a time that you did something that you were afraid to try. How did you feel afterward?

  24. Write about a person you admire. What do you admire about them?

  25. What do you see when you look in the mirror?

  26. What makes you happy?

  27. What is the bravest thing you have ever done?

  28. Write about a time you made a great choice.