Dear Parents / Carers,

It has been a wonderful start to the academic year 2023/24; every year it is such a pleasure welcoming back all of the pupils into their new year groups. It is a particular pleasure to welcome our new Reception cohort who are at the very beginning of their GNSA journey; they have all settled into the school tremendously.

This academic year we are focusing on further enrichment opportunities for all of our pupils; we aim to enhance this through our after school provision, workshops and visitors within the school as well as trips out.  We also look at further enrichment through our Friday assemblies; we have covered topics such as the SHARE Values, Black History month,  School Parliament and we even had an assembly on asthma delivered by our School nurse! 

Another ongoing priority for us is the Safeguarding and the Wellbeing of our pupils; all pupils have met Sheru, our school mascot, who helped inform the pupils of the different ways they can share their emotions and who to talk to if they are worried. All KS1 pupils have a Sheru Worry Box and KS2 pupils have Toot Toot; an online platform that directly links to the Safeguarding Team. Please do look at the Wellbeing page of our newsletter to meet our new Wellbeing Ambassadors!

I would also like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our new Head Boy, Gurman Grewal and our new Head Girl, Prabhjot Sidhu. They were both voted for by their peers and staff to achieve these roles and are both very keen to support the leading of the School Parliament.

Lastly, a huge thank you to all parents for their continued parent partnership and your attendance at two successful parent consultation evenings. 

Have a lovely and restful half term.

Miss O'Leary

Vice Principal