At Guru Nanak Sikh Academy, we are committed to ensuring that every pupil achieves their full potential.  In order to do this, it is your legal obligation to ensure that your child attends school every day as there is clear evidence, which links educational achievement with good school attendance.

The school expects your child to have 100% attendance.

Please ensure that any absences are reported on a daily basis for your child, via the absence line or School Gateway and that your child/children arrive to school on time, as classes start promptly at 8:30am. Leave taken during the school term is not permitted and fines will be issued for any leave not authorised by the school.

Current Attendance for the Primary Phase:-

Reception –95.3%

Year 1 – 95.9%

Year 2 – 94.7%

Year 3 – 95.9%

Year 4 – 97.1%

Year 5 – 94.0%

Year 6 – 96.0%

Well Done Year 4, keep it up!!