Dear Parents / Carers,

This has been a busy yet exciting term where the children have continued to make excellent progress in their learning. As you can see from this newsletter there has been a range of different learning activities taking place across the Primary Phase with high quality outcomes! 

To enhance the learning further, the pupils have also had the opportunity to embrace charity days, religious celebrations, Christmas fun and much more.  I am extremely proud of all of the pupils and staff for all that they have been able to achieve this term, all whilst maintaining the SHARE values. I would also like to share my sincere gratitude and thanks to all of the parents who have embraced this busy yet exciting term with us and look forward for what is to come in 2024!

I hope that you and your loved ones enjoy sharing and celebrating this newsletter. Wishing you all a happy holiday season filled with warm moments and cherished memories!

Miss O'Leary

Vice Principal