This term, Year 3 have thoroughly enjoyed maths. 

3D shapes and nets:

In Year 3 pupils will build on their knowledge of shapes from previous Year Groups.  This term, we made 3D shapes from nets and used our 3D shapes to help us design our castles from our DT lessons.  We have explored 2D shapes within 3D shapes and related this to outside of the classroom. 

Active maths:

We have also turned our fitness session (half hour weekly) into an active maths session.  Last week we were learning about angles and turns.  During our fitness session we explored angles in the playground.  We had to show the angles with our arms and hands to demonstrate our understanding.  We really enjoyed this activity and remembered the names of the angles after.  We are looking forward to our next topic which is counting in steps. 

Year 3 Team


Into The Forest:

This term in Year 3, we have been reading the book 'Into The Forest'.  We have really enjoyed the story and recognised the links to some of the fairytales we learnt in previous Year Groups.  

To help us remember the story, we used role play to act out some of the scenes especially where the boy noticed his dad was gone. We used emotive language to express how devastated he must have felt. 

The end outcome for the writing was a recount.  We worked really hard to produce a final draft using all the structure and language devices. 

Year 3 Team


In Geography, we have continued to look at the UK and surrounding seas.  We have used atlases and maps to help us locate the 4 countries and counties.  We have been fantastic geographers and even created our own maps.  

We have also revisited natural (Physical) and man made (Human) features of the UK.  Including Big Ben in London, Edinburgh and Windsor Castle linked to our DT this term.  We have really enjoyed using maps and atlases to explore the UK and important landmarks. 

Year 3 Team