Year 2

Finally, we have come to the end of another busy half term. Children have been brilliant and the teachers are extremely pleased with the progress they have been making. 


Children have spent this half term learning lots about tigers!

We focused on the appearance, diet and habitats of these amazing animals. As an outcome, children created amazing fact file posters showing their whole learning of the topic. 


This half term, year 2 have been thinking scientifically. Children were taught to observe and ask scientific questions.

Children learnt that animals, including humans, have offspring which turn into adults. Children also learnt to classify living things as carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and how a food chain shows that living things need other living things to survive.


Children spent this half term learning all about the world!

Children learnt to name and locate the continents and oceans of the world through a song. 

Can they still remember the song?

Children also extended their learning by learning the names of the countries in Europe.