Jody Cain

A former Outdoor Education Student at Coleg Menai - Bangor, Jody is currently completing a Youth Apprenticeship with Urdd Gobaith Cymru and hopes to find work in the sport development industry.

Jody was a Youth Ambassador in school and continued on her Ambassador journey whilst at college, and became a Gold Active Ambassador.

She is an all round athlete and in her spare time plays football with Bethel Ladies Football Team, and is a member of the Eryri Harriers.

In 2019, Jody represented Wales and competed in the Under 18's International Mountain Race as part of the Welsh Athletics Team.

Jody offers valuable advice to learners, listen to what she has to say.

"Don't feel ashamed and never feel you have to miss out on opportunities, because it shouldn't stop women doing sport or the things they love doing"