Seren Evans

Seren decided to enter Miss Swimsuit UK in 2019 when she had an injury and couldn't play rugby, and made it to the Finals and the Top 10 of the competition.

Seren completed her degree in BSc Sport Health and Exercise Science at the University of Wales, Bangor and is now studying towards her PhD. Her PhD research examines the key indicators of injury risk within rugby union, in an attempt to predict subsequent injuries.

Having been a sport massage therapist at RGC for three seasons, Seren aims to become a sports physiotherapist.

Seren has become a positive influencer on social media by sharing her personal crossfit training journey, and hopes to compete at a novice level in the near future.

"I don't stop working out when I am on my period. I feel like weightlifting actually distracts me from my period, because I am so focused on my form, I'm so focused on the actual lifting, that you almost forget about it, which is why you really should go out there and carry on what you ARE doing. Don't stop."