Hoffman News

The Week of march 2nd, 2020

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research corner: graham's number

By: James and Nico

Research Corner, Season 3, Episode 3. Imagine a number. Make it big. Wait, no, make it huge. Now imagine that number is the number of digits in another number. And your second number is the number of digits in a third number. Graham’s number is bigger than that third number.

You’re probably asking how to comprehend it. Here’s how. You don’t. But we can give you a rough idea of how big it is. If you’re like a lot of people, you probably think that Googolplex times Googolplex is the largest number humanity came up with. It isn’t. (For comparison, Googolplex is 1 followed by Googol zeros, and if you filled the universe with sand, the amount of grains is only about 1/10,000,000,000 of a Googol. (Yes, Google® spelled it wrong, not us.)

For a brief history of Graham’s number: Even though Graham’s number is special, it comes from a very obscure branch of geometry: Ramsey theory. Ronald Graham thought Graham’s number was the answer to the following problem:

Connect each pair of geometric vertices on a n-dimensional hypercube to obtain a complete graph on 2n vertices. Color each of the edges of this graph either red or blue. What is the smallest value of n for which every such coloring contains at least one single color complete subgraph on four coplanar vertices?

Yeah, none of us can figure it out.

And now for the tools you need to understand Graham’s number. Actually just one tool: The hyperoperation sequence. (And calculators. Lots and lots of calculators. Googolplex calculators should be enough.) Now, the hyperoperation sequence is a sequence of operations. Before we get into the extreme operations required here, let’s start at level 0 of operations: counting. (Yes, this article is about the biggest number known to mankind, and now we go back to preschool-type stuff.) Say we have three of something and we want to get to Graham’s number. So we go 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.... and so on until we get to Graham’s number. (PUBLIC SAFETY ANNOUNCEMENT: DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.)

Level 1: Addition. Really, addition is a shortcut for counting. So, if I wanted to go from three to seven, instead of going 3,4,5,6,7, I could just go three plus four, and get to seven faster. However to get even to 27 you would have to go 3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3, so, not a high power operation.

Level 2: multiplication. Multiplication is really just an iterated version of addition, a way to bundle all those steps into one clean step. So, our 3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3 becomes 3x3x3.

Level 3: Exponentiation. We know how multiplication has made our life easier, but this makes it even easier by, instead of saying 3x3x3, saying 33. , so, basically saying multiply three times itself three times. Level four: Tetration. If you take a power like 33 and add another three as an exponent to the exponent, you have a power tower. Now, you can represent tetration like this: ↑↑. So 3↑↑3 means a power tower of threes three high, which is 7,625,597,484,987. Level five:

Pentation. This is what we like to call a power tower circus because if a is pentated by b (represented by a↑↑↑b) the answer is... we’re gonna need a visual.

And that’s child’s play compared our last stop. Level 6: Hexation.

So, to review, Level 3 is a power. Level 4 is a power tower. Level 5 is a power tower circus. Level 6 is a power tower amusement park. WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT LIKE HUGE OPERATIONS, STOP READING THIS ARTICLE. A hexated by b (represented by a ↑↑↑↑ b) is

... visual absolutely necessary.

So step 1 is 3↑↑↑↑3. Hexation: You understand. Sort of. Either way, we’ve got a power tower amusement park. 3-1=2, so we only have two power tower circuses to worry about. In the first one, we have 3 to the third to the third and the final tower in this circus...the bottom end is on Earth.

So we’ll call this number NO THANK YOU in all caps.

And now for the second circus. You know how upset we were about the first circus? Well, this one is the same, except there are NO THANK YOU amount of towers. Each one is multiplied all the way down to figure out how high the next one’s going to be. Until at some point, we multiply out the last tower. When that happens, we’ve completed...Step 1.

So yeah, all of this is after figuring out g1, that becomes the number of arrows in g2. Going to five arrows would make any respectable supercomputer explode of short circuits. And when g2 is calculated, it becomes the number of arrows for g3 and so on. G64 is Graham’s number.

So there you go. Another new thing to wake up screaming at 1 AM about.

That’s all from James and Nico. See you next week, on Research Corner. (The authors of this article claim no responsibility for screaming, etc, or any behaviors caused by trying to comprehend it.)

Glitter arm

By: Lucy

Have you ever wondered if you could have a superpower, like super strength, teleportation, or flying? Well, 13 year old Jordan Reeves has one, and it’s her disability. Yup, you heard me right; her disability is her own special superpower.

She was born without a left arm, which made life difficult for her. But, she learned from a young age not to give up on herself, but to persevere instead, and to learn from her mistakes.

In 2019, she showed off her 3D printed prosthetic unicorn horn that shot glitter at the Science and Industry Museum in Chicago. She said she had always liked glitter, and wanted to include it in her prosthetic. In fact, she can shoot clouds of glitter up to 6 feet in the air!

The Science and Industry Museum showed her 3D printed arm along with other unique prosthetics in its exhibit, Wired to Wear. You can even try on a vest that detects if a wall is in front of you! If you do go check it out, ask about Jordan Reeves’ glitter unicorn arm!

But before that (amazing!) field trip that you’re hoping to take, let’s talk more about her. People used to stare at her when she walked by, because of her arm. And they still do, but now with inspiration, and awe!

She was only 10-11 when she started designing her arm. Wait, that’s about your age, right? Well, you can be just as capable as her! Try hard and don’t let challenges or disabilities get in your way!

I hope you liked this story! Make sure to check out the Wired to Wear exhibit in the Science in Industry Museum if you have time!

World news

Coronavirus Update

By: Jillian

COVID-19 or also known as Coronavirus, has had outbreaks in China and Italy. Many people do not leave their homes because of this deadly disease.

Sadly, Coronavirus has killed more than 2000 people. Flights are canceled and people are not allowed to travel to or from China, Korea, or Iran. Officials are currently debating whether to add Italy to the list.

Symptoms can include: fever, cough, and shortness of breath. According to the CDC, ”symptoms of COVID-19 may appear in as few as 2 days or as long as 14 days after exposure.”

Coronavirus was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China and has now been detected in 37 locations internationally, including cases in the United States. As this story was published, the first case detected in New York City was announced.

Officials say that the best way to protect yourself is to take the same precautions you would for the flu. Washing your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water is one of the best things you can do to remain healthy.

Ways to avoid Coronavirus:

Wash your hands frequently

Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.

Why? Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands.

Maintain social distancing

Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

Why? When someone coughs or sneezes they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain virus. If you are too close, you can breathe in the droplets, including the Coronavirus if the person coughing has the disease.

Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth

Why? Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick.

Practice respiratory hygiene

Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately.

Why? Droplets spread viruses. By following good respiratory hygiene you protect the people around you from viruses such as cold, flu and Coronavirus.

If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early

Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health authority.

Why? National and local authorities will have the most up to date information on the situation in your area. Calling in advance will allow your health care provider to quickly direct you to the right health facility. This will also protect you and help prevent the spread of viruses and other infections.


teacher of the week: Mr. Mariano

By: Brielle

Q: When did you start teaching?

A: I started teaching in 1997.

Q: What schools have you taught at?

A: I have taught at West school, Martin Luther King Lab School and this one.

Q: Have you taught any other grades?

A: I have. 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th

Q: What do you do outside of school?

A: Everything. I have a wife and two girls so driving to gymnastics and soccer is always on the schedule. Dinner and laundry are also needed. What do kids say, #girldad? That's me.

Q: What sports did you play as a kid or now?

A: I played baseball first then a lot of basketball, cross country and volleyball.

Q: Do you have a pet?

A: We have 2 cats, Milo and Sunny, and fish, Larry and Fred.

Q: What was your favorite subject in school?

A: Math.

Q: What is your favorite subject to teach?

A: That's hard. I really like Reading, but Math makes the most sense. I like teaching novels and pretty much all math.

Q: Do you have any class sayings?


Q: Do you have any class games?

A: No, but we have puzzles.

Q: When did you start teaching at Hoffman?

A: 2001.

Q: What is your dream job?

A: This is my dream job…actually, let me think about it...(45 mins later)...

Either a sports commentator or journalist.

Q: What are your pet peeves?

A: Germs! Sneezing and coughing without using your elbow.

Q: Will you ever grow your hair out long?

A: I am in my beard. I will grow it long enough so it goes around my head

A Day in the Life: Mr. Armando

By: Annabel

This week, we focus on someone who is one of the most important people in the school: Mr. Armando!

Annabel: What year did you start?

Mr. Armando: 1996.

Annabel: What did you want to be when you were younger?

Mr. Armando: An. accountant.

Annabel: How does it feel to be a custodian?

Mr.Armando: It feels great because I like the kids a lot.

Annabel: Do you miss your hometown?

Mr. Armando: Yes, a lot. It is not always easy to go back home, but I try to whenever I can.

Annabel: Which class is the biggest help to you?

Mr. Armando: Oh, all of them. Hoffman has great teachers and classes are very clean.

Annabel: What was the biggest mess someone EVER MADE?

Mr. Armando: Definitely at the carnival, 5 years ago.

Annabel: How many people have thrown up in the school?

Mr. Armando: That happens about 10 times per year.

Annabel: What hours do you work?

Mr. Armando: I am here by 6 every morning, and work to 2:30.

Annabel: What mess annoys you the most?

Mr. Armando: The cafeteria. It just takes the longest, and it is 3 grades, every day.

Annabel: What's your favorite sport?

Mr. Armando: Soccer.

Annabel: why do you love to be with kids?

Mr. Armando: They are very nice and very friendly. And the teachers are very nice. It's great to be with kids and to teach them about life.

Annabel: Do you have any kids?

Mr. Armando: Yes, a son, who also came to Hoffman.

teacher of the week: Mrs. Davis

By: Jillian and Yuna

How long have you been teaching?

I have been teaching since, wow, for 18 years!

How long have you taught here?

This is my 1st year, and I'm loving it so far.

What is your favorite subject to teach?

That's a hard decision to make. I guess I would say reading.

Where else have you taught?

In Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.

What job did you have before becoming a teacher?

Umm...I was the Director of day camps and also a babysitter. (Ms. Levin laughs)

How many grades have you taught?

Actually, I've taught six different grades.

What do you like about teaching?

I love the enthusiasm from the kids, and helping them be the best they can be.

What is your dream job?

A marine biologist so i could swim with dolphins.

If you could go anywhere where would you go?

Australia or an African safari.

Do you have any kids?

I have a daughter who is 26, and my son is 23. My daughter’s name is Julia and my son's name is Paul

Thank you Mrs. Davis!

What's behind the door?

By: Sandra and Emely

Have you ever been walking past the LRC, down the ramp to drama? Have you ever noticed that door as you're walking past? Have you ever wondered what's actually...behind that door?

Let's see what students at Hoffman think about "What's Behind the Door!"


A bunch of wires and electrical stuff, and maybe a bunch of tools and a tank maybe?


It's stuff for teachers and maybe for Mr.Armando because he cleans the school.


I think there is tools to clean.


Maybe tools. Or, a soccer ball, maybe a basket and a box. Also, an umbrella.


A teacher's lounge. Or, a secret room where kids that get in trouble go in there.


There is a living giraffe.


Air. Water. A water fountain.


A machine?? Like something for teachers.

Mr. Robertson:

I think there is some sorta like classroom, because there is a sign that says you are about to learn a learning center, and maybe Ms. Frizzle, and a Magic School Bus, and a hidden classroom, and the teacher's pet...[runs out of breath]


Cleaning supplies. Learning stuff.


PE equipment, teacher stuff, tables, chairs, pencils, notebooks, school supplies. And..a monster! He has six eyes and is tiny like a bat. And there's a robot, too! With all sorts of broken stuff!


Machines maybe. Cleaning machines. A secret bathroom. And they're making something...


No More City Buses

By: Brielle

I believe cities should stop using buses. They are using up millions of dollars to use these buses. They are paying money to pollute the cities and cause traffic. This makes no sense. Why would they do that when the city could just get rid of buses?

Cities should get rid of buses because of how much money it takes to buy, maintain and store. In 2017 Chicago's train and bus operating budget was 1,524.2 million dollars. If we get rid of buses that budget would reduce by a significant amount. The city would also get money back from selling the buses. Then with that money we could use it for things that benefit the city. The city also has a grand plan of combining the Ashland and Central loops. This will cost even more money because there will need to be more bus stops and more bus lanes. In all that is a lot of money for something that should be gone.

Another reason buses should be gone is that the buses are polluting the air. According to lubrizoladditives360.com, “sulfur in fuel forms are a primary contributor to air pollution.” The city uses ultra low sulfur diesel, which is better than regular diesel but sulfur is still in the name and should not be disregarded. A full size bus can carry 250 gallons of fuel so even if it is ultra low sulfur diesel it is filling 1,900 buses with 250 gallons each. The climate is changing and taking away buses will help.

My last reason for why buses should be gone is that buses cause lots of traffic. The buses stopping and starting slows things down. Citylab.com said that the Central Bus Loop, one of Chicago's bus routes, is expanding. They are adding six bus routes for the buses. This means buses have more stops and more space while cars have no special things so they get traffic. Not only will the cars have traffic but buses take a long time to get places. Mrs. Raza, a teacher at Hoffman School, told me she had to get from her meeting to the train. She could walk for 45 minutes or take the bus. She chose to take the bus since she had lots of things. After 45 minutes she got off and walked. The bus would have been slower than walking because of all the stops. Having buses and bus stops doesn't help cars or busses.

If you take the bus then when cities take them away you won't know what to ride. Chicago has a great river that flows through the buildings. That is a great mode of transportation. If we get more water taxis then we could use those instead of buses. Water taxis leave at least every 20 minutes. Once you get to the land you can walk get a taxi, cab or uber. Water taxis are better for the earth so why not get rid of the bad and replace it with water taxis!

City buses are hurting cities not helping them. The buses are using up mountains of money so have. The pollution is hurting the world and buses slow down the roads. Cities should not use buses they should get rid of them.

TikTok is Ruining the Minds of Children

By: Sydney, Lucy, and Brielle

Tik Tok is a social media app that kids, teens, and adults [Ed. Note: Not me.] live for. The setting on the app says that you have to be 13 or older in order to log on. It is obvious that people have abused that rule because how would there be a kid in 2nd grade on Tik Tok?

Kids on Tik Tok sometimes take hours to produce a perfect video, one they’re satisfied with it. They only get satisfied when it’s the best it can be. Kids only want fans and to be “Tik Tok famous.”

In school, it’s all they can think about. Some kids do Tik Tok in the middle of every class and that keeps them from focusing. There are over 500 million Tik Toks which are growing daily, and over a billion people are using it. (That's 1,000,000,000! Not quite Graham's Number, but still!) Just in the USA 123 million people have downloaded.

Here’s an interview we conducted with an old user that has now deleted Tik Tok:

Q: Why did you delete Tick Tock?

Because it was bad for me. I spent so much time and I knew I had to stop.

Q: Why did you get it in the first place?

Because my friends had it.

Q: What did you not like about it?

It was inappropriate for kids my age

Q: What did you like about it?

It was fun to dance and get energy out.

Q: What can you relate Tik Tok to?

I can relate it to anything that wastes your time, like YouTube.

Q: Would you ever re download it?

No, it wasted my time. I would go on it for hours. It's been so much better without it.

Next we interviewed a current Tik Tok user to compare answers.

Q: Would you ever delete Tick Tock?

Possibly, but I don't see why I would.

Q: Why did you get it in the first place?

I had it when it was Musically. I never deleted it because it was addicting and it showed my creativity.

Q: What did you not like about it?

All the hate comments. There was a lot of negativity

Q: What did you like about it?

It was fun and it gives you something to do

Q: What can you relate Tik Tok to?

Music videos or making skits/movies.

Q: Do you think it is appropriate?

Some of them are. It’s NOT for young children. There are some bad words.

Q: What do you think the lowest age should be?

10 and under.

Q: How many hours a day do you use Tik Tok?

1 or 2

Q: How many videos do you post a day?

Too many.

So all in all, Tik Tok is rotting away all the smarts we have. We should stop spending all our time on our screens. Because in reality, it’s just looking down at a rectangle for your whole life.

Take the healthy side, and stop doing Tik Tok!

The worst time of the year

By: Blake

Well, I don’t know how else to say it: this part of the year is the “cruise control” part of the year. In a car, cruise control is when the car goes forward without your foot on the gas pedal. Which is essentially this part of the year. No big things are happening at school, such as tests, days off, or projects. Nothing big is really happening in the world, either. There are no championships in sports for a little while, and barely any sports on TV.

In fact, at News, I couldn’t think of anything to write, and said that this is the most boring part of the year. Then someone [Ed. Note: Someone? SOMEONE?! Um...ME!] suggested that I should write about that. Y’know, this being the worst time of the year.

Other than birthdays, really, the stretch from the Monday after President’s Day to Spring Break is just uneventful. The weather is unpredictable; it was 60 degrees on Sunday, and on Tuesday we were predicted to get six inches of snow, and got less than that. It’ll most likely just melt, and then become the weird, random ice patches. The ground is still frozen, so sports like baseball are out of the question. Ugh.

So hang in there, guys. Three weeks may seem like three years, but we'll get there.


spring training

By: Chase and Rowan

Football season might be over, but baseball season is just starting up.

Spring training has two leagues, Cactus league and Grapefruit league. The Cactus league is in Arizona and the Grapefruit league is in Florida. The pitchers and catchers report one week before the rest of the players because they need to warm up a little more than the rest of the players because the pitchers and catchers play a bigger role in the game. Each team plays 33 games in spring training. Unlike the regular season, teams do not play games in a series, they just play a single game against a team. The purpose of spring training is that so the players are warmed up and ready for the regular season.

The cactus league takes place in Arizona. The teams in the cactus league are the Seattle Mariners, the San Diego Padres, the Texas Rangers, the Kansas City Royals, the Arizona Diamondbacks, the Chicago Cubs, the Chicago White Sox, the Cincinnati Reds, the Cleveland Indians, the Colorado Rockies, the Los Angeles Angels, the Los Angeles Dodgers, the Milwaukee Brewers, the Oakland Athletics, and the San Francisco Giants. The cactus league got its name because Arizona has a lot of cactuses. The Arizona Cactus league was founded in 1947 by Bill Veeck and Horace Stoneham. The Cleveland Indians and the New York Giants were the first teams to do spring training in Arizona.

The Grapefruit league takes place in Florida. The grapefruit league contains the Atlanta Braves, the Baltimore Orioles, the Boston Red Sox, the Detroit Tigers, Houston Astros, the Miami Marlins, the Minnesota Twins, the New York Mets, the New York Yankees, the Philadelphia Phillies, the Pittsburgh Pirates, the St.Louis Cardinals, the Tampa Bay Rays, the Toronto Blue Jays, and the Washington Nationals. The Grapefruit league got its name because Florida grows a lot of grapefruits. The Florida Grapefruit league was founded in 1913. The first team to practice in the grapefruit league was the Chicago Cubs.

astros cheating scandal

By: James G. and Lewk

The Houston Astros won a championship in 2017, but broke a Major League rule: stealing signs.

The Astros secretly “stole signs” from visiting teams, intercepting communications between opposing pitchers and catchers and relaying them to the batter. The setup was surprisingly simple: a camera in the Astros’ home stadium relayed a feed of the catcher to a monitor in a hidden area where an Astros player was sitting near home plate. That player figured out the opposing team’s signals, then banged on a large trash can to inform the hitter what the next pitch would be.

Another way they cheated was with a thumb guard. The thumb guard had a wire going up the player's sleeve. It used a camera just like the trash can, but instead the wire was connected to a player in the dugout. The player watched the camera and then sent vibrations to the player. Different vibrations meant different pitches. When they played at their home field they had a camera on their scoreboard and on the wall of their bullpen. A lot of the Astros fans could clearly tell that one was on the scoreboard but nobody knew (except the manager) knew that another one was in the bullpen. He eventually revealed it in 2019.

So why does stealing signs matter? It makes it much easier to get a hit off of a pitcher. In 2017, against Cy Young award-winner Clayton Kershaw, the Dodgers pitcher threw 51 curveballs, and all of them were hit either foul or fair. Kershaw is known as having one of the greatest curveballs in the history of baseball, routinely fooling opposing batters. For the Astros to be making contact on every single one he threw only adds to the evidence.

As of now, only the coaching staff has received punishment from Major League Baseball. However, fans and opposing players are calling for them to be stripped of their championship, and to have Astros players be suspended for an entire year.

NFL Awards Wrap Up

By: Jack and Lewk

The Super Bowl may be over (congrats to the Chief), but we are back at it to recap the season with NFL awards.

First, the MVP was Lamar Jackson and I’m sure that all of us are sure that he is the clear winner, breaking QB NFL scrambling records with 1,206 yards. This topped Michael Vick's record by almost 300 yards!

Next is the Pepsi Rookie of the Year, which was 49ers star Nick Bosa. We thought it was an obvious choice. He had 9 sacks this season, and his only other competition was Seattle Seahawks WR D.K. Metcalf.

Next is the Defensive Player of the Year, and to us this was a little bit of a surprise. And the winner is…New England’s cornerback Stephon Gilmore! There was a lot of defensive talent like Jalen Ramsey, Aaron Donald, Jamal Adams and Derwin James. The thing that does make sense is that Stephon had probably his best season ever.

Next was the Offensive Player of the Year. This was like this year's MVP, it was obvious. And the winner is… New Orleans Saints star WR Michael Thomas. The only other choices were Christian McCaffrey or Derrick Henry. But Michael Thomas was a stud this year, dominating this season with 149 catches, 1,725 receiving yards and 9 TD’s. It was pretty obvious.

And finally is the Coach of the Year. And the winner was…Baltimore Ravens coach John Harbaugh. It was a good pick, as the Baltimore Ravens did do well, but Seahawks coach Pete Carroll could have been the other choice.

other stuff

spring is coming

By: Sandra and Emely

In spring, there are really beautiful flowers like roses and much more! Also, let's not forget we get spring break! We will be glad to give you some tips on having the best spring!


There are many things you can do during spring break. One of them is planting flowers or just looking at them growing again. Since spring is back, the flowers are recovering from the cold weather. It is still a bit cold, but it's warm enough for the flowers to grow. You can spend time just finally seeing flowers again.

Spring Break Fun!

On spring break we all know how to have fun! If you are an athlete, it's the perfect weather for you! Not to mention you can eat or lick ice cream. Also, if you adore water parks, you can ask your parents if you can go to Six Flags. If your parents say no, maybe you could fill your tub and turn it into a Hot Tub!!


Now we all know the saddest part...HOMEWORK! So some ways that can help you remember to do homework would be to make a plan.

Write down the days you will do homework and look at it every morning. This way you don't do all your homework on the last day of spring break. You can also just make sure you know where your homework is that way you see it and remember, and make sure to do your work before you start to play anything.


We hope these tips and strategies help your spring break be the best! Make sure you do your homework or the teacher might have to explain a whole class about that certain subject!

We really hope you have the bestest spring break!

fairy tale corner

By: Haley & Andreea

[Each week, Haley and Andreea will bring you an installment of their six-part fairy tale]

Cole had so many questions to ask, and many answers needed, but right now McKenzie had to say something.

“Cole, I’m SO sorry I’ve been keeping this from you, but, well, I was born in a different world, sent here to spy on you because we (being us in the other world) felt there was something different about you, you see, most people can’t see these portals but you can, which is just what we thought would probably happen."

Cole had been quiet this entire time, but right then he was so confused he just exclaimed, “WAIT, WHAT!?!!” surprising his sister (or should he say fake-spy-sister). Now, what Cole didn’t know was that his real sister was locked up in a closet through the portal he had thought his sister had come out of. Dun, dun, da.

“HELP, SOMEONE, GET ME OUT OF HERE!!” cried a teary eyed McKenzie. “Someone please!” this time sounding just a little more desperate than the time before. She turned around and saw the wall, that stupid wall, the one it seemed she had been pushed into. She thought back to what exactly had happened. She had been walking down the hallway towards her twin-brother, thinking about nothing in particular, when all of a sudden BAM! She had been pushed straight into a kids locker, and from there gone to this damp, dark, gloomy closet.

But, before she left, she thought she saw someone, someone that looked just like her, walk over to her brother, Cole Mayfair.

country of the week: Ireland

By: Keira

Ah, Ireland. Once owned by England, Ireland is home to 4.83 million people. Ireland is 32,595 sq. miles long. Ireland is the third largest country in Europe, and the 20th largest country in the world. The most popular languages are English, Scottish, and Irish. Ireland is a great place to stay.

The Language

If you go to Ireland, here are some things you can say…

Hello = Dia dhuit

Can I have = An féidir liom

Please = Le do thoil

Thank you = Go raibh maith agat

Good bye = Slán

Good day = La maith


You know the language and basic facts, but what can you do here? There are many places to go in Ireland. Such as Titanic Belfast, a museum of the sunken ship, Titanic, and Blarney Castle, a medieval castle that you can tour. Other places are the Cliffs of Moher, Giants causeway, a breathtaking unique landscape and Temple bar, a live music and art centre.


If you do go to Ireland, there is no U.S. money. Instead there is Euros. The European money. There are 5€, 10€, 20€, 50€, 100€, 200€, 500€ and the coins are 1c, 2c, 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, 1€ and 2€. But how much is 1€?

1€ = 1.09 U. S. Dollars

2€ = $2.17

5€ = $5.43

10€ = $10.87

20€ = $21.73

50€ = $54.33

100€ = $108.66

200€ = $217.32

500€ = $543.31

A Brief History

Ireland was first inhabited in 7000 B. C. The Celts spoke Q-Celtic and over the centuries formed into Irish Gaelic. The Celtics are known for their beautiful artwork and poetry but were known for their combat. They roamed for a very long time. Around 795 A. D. the Vikings took over from Scandinavia, greedy for power. By the end of the tenth century, the Vikings were defeated by Clontarf by Brian Bórú. When Bórú was killed in his tent in the middle of the battlefield, Ireland still considers him as the great king. In the 12th century, the Normans arrived in Ireland beginning Ireland’s 800 year struggle with Great Britain. Cromwell arrived in 1649, and decided to kill all the Irish citizens. He said he was doing it for God. He murdered people, burned houses, unplanted planted, and slaughtered animals. He stole Ireland’s land and gave it to England. Over the next 150 years, English and Irish fought. One of the biggest troubles was the famine 200 years later. It killed 1 million people. The famine lasted from 1845 to 1852. In 1916, on Easter weekend Irish Citizen army launched an uprising. They killed all the leaders.

Yuck! Brutal history!

Animal of the Week: Amur Leopard

By: Emma and Brielle

The Animal of the Week is the Amur Leopard. We will be writing 11 fun facts about the Amur leopards.

They live in the Amur Heilong Landscape in far east Russia and areas of China.

They have thick fur which grows up to 7.5 cm long in winter.

Their coats are paler than most other leopards.

Amur Leopards hunt roe deer, sika deer, badgers and hares.

There are only 60 Amur Leopards left in the wild.

They weigh 70-105 lbs

There scientific name is Panthera pardus orientalis

Right now they are Critically Endangered.

They become mature at 2 or 3 years old.

The Amur Leopard is the rarest cat in the world

The Amur Leopards are mammals.

We hope you enjoyed Animal of The Week. If you have any suggestions for any endangered animals let Emma Roberts, Brielle Doherty, or Mr P know!!!

strange plant of the week: silver torch cactus

By: Lucy and Sydney

The Silver Torch Cactus, or, Dracaena cinnabari, is a white cactus with deep magenta flowers. Although they may not look anything like a normal cactus flower, they are. But they only last 4-5 days, so they never open. The Silver Torch Cactus is native to Argentina and Bolivia.

A weird thing about them; they are more of a cold temperature cactus. They can withstand weather down to -10, in which after a period of time they will die. Its greenish grey columns can reach a height of 9.8 ft, but are only about 6 cm across.

It gets its name from the Greek word "kleistos" which means "closed." This is due to its deep magenta flower that never open because they die in 4-5 days (sad).

The Silver Torch Cactus is a great plant to have in a garden.

Cactus succulents look just like them, with the little white spines. Some cactus succulents even have flowers, too (although they are open and not sad).

What does Brielle think about the Silver Torch Cactus?

Q: What first comes to you when you hear the name “Silver Torch Cactus?”

A: What is it? Why that name?

Q: What do you think those magenta/red things are?

A: A kind of flowers that haven’t bloomed.

Q: Do you think it fits its name?


Q: Where do you think it lives?

A: …? Arizona.

Q: All in all, what do you think of it?

A: Umm… What? I think it’s very weird. Its not silver and no fire...

What about Emma?

Q: What first comes to you when you hear the name “Silver Torch Cactus?”

A: I think a silver leaf on fire in a cactus.

Q: What do you think those magenta/red things are?

A: A nose and a mouth.

Q: Do you think it fits its name?

A: No.

Q: Where do you think it lives?

A: Arizona.

Q: All in all, what do you think of it?

A: I think it is a weird made up thing

movie of the week: "Elf"

By: Da Gurlz

"Elf" is about a man named Buddy who thinks he’s an elf. Back when he was a baby, on Christmas night when Santa comes, Buddy sees a teddy bear in Santa's sack, which he goes in. Once he gets to the North Pole, Papa Elf volunteers to take care of him.

When Buddy turns into a MAN he’s told all about his human life. He’s told about his father who is, oh yea, ON THE NAUGHTY LIST. So Buddy screams and, disgusted with his father, goes after him and tries to make him love him. He...

Sydney: Fell in love!

Brielle: Got fired!

Lucy: Got introduced to the ground by a raccoon! *Smiles happily*

Sydney: Then he made it snowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Brielle: Also known as he threw shredded paper all over the office.

Lucy: Then he threw snowballs at kids and they started crying. *Smiles even harder*

Brielle: Will Ferrell (buddy) And James Caan (Walter Hobbs) are the two main actors.

Sydney: then he went on a date…

Lucy: Ooooh is it a love story? Ooh ooh ooh ooh!

Sydney: oooooooooooooooooooooooo

Brielle: Stop ooing guys.

Sydney: WE’RE SORRY!

Lucy: Then he fell in love and she got upset then they fell in love and then they got upset and then they had a kid!


Celeb of the week: Neil patrick harris

By: Ana & Kyla

Welcome back to celebrity of the week! This week’s celeb is Neil Patrick Harris!! Niel Patrick Harris was born on June 15, 1973. He has 1 sibling named Brian. Sheila and Ron Harris are his parentals. His kids’ names are Gideon and Harper Harris.

Neil is part of the LGBTQ+ society and his husband is named David Burtka. Neil Patrick Harris is a great role model because he shows that gay, lesbian, bisexual, etc. people should be equal to the people who are straight.

Neil has written books in the Magic Misfits series and has been in: Series Of Unfortunate Events, Doogie Houser, The Smurfs, Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs, and so, so much more!

Game of the Week: Battlefront II

By: Brendan

"Battlefront 2" is a Star Wars themed game that was released by EA in 2017.

The game did not sell very well until the end of 2019, but became more popular when another Star Wars game was released called "Jedi Fallen Order," which quickly became a hit and brought more attention to "Battlefront 2." In the game, there are five segments: home, play, collection, career and options.

In home, there are featured game modes. In play, there are 3 big game modes like supremacy, where you take over the command post and then you board ship.

If you are a fan of Star Wars and strategy, you'll love "Battlefront 2."

would you rather

By: Henry

Would you rather drink chocolate milk or white milk?

Would you rather overheat or freeze?

Would you rather win the World Series cheating [Ed. Note: like the Astros], or lose the World Series fairly [Ed. Note: like the Indians in 2016 ;) ]?

Would you rather have to eat aluminum foil or eat a banana peel?

Would you rather have to read the most boring book in the world 100 times or have to write that book?

Would you rather eat a cricket or a beetle?


Meme of the Week

By: Guest Meme-er (Memer? Meme-r?) Will; Blake

Tic-tac-toe: with henry and Mr. P

Mr. P is X. Henry is O. [Ed. Note: Watch and learn, young'un.]

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