Hoffman News

The Week of december 9, 2019

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Top Stories

OP-ED: students need access to youtube

By: Anthony

Over the past decade, YouTube has taken the internet, and our culture, by storm. With words like "YouTuber" becoming common language, it has become the most popular place to find videos is YouTube. Almost 5 billion videos get uploaded to the site everyday, and nearly 30 million viewers search for them on a daily basis. However, if you are a student in District 34, you are no longer able to be one of these viewers.

As a kid who uses the site a ton, it’s pretty common for me and other kids to want to watch videos meant for school in school. But then, there’s the abomination of a company called Securely. To teachers, it’s a Saint. But to students, it’s the online devil! And it’s not Securely that’s controlling it, it’s the district, blocking access to websites like YouTube that we may actually need.

Many teachers have found this as irritating as students. For example, for a recent project, our librarian, Mr. P [Ed. Note: That's me!] provided resources to several classes in 5th grade. However, some of the resources he chose for us, we were unable to view as they were blocked by the district. If a teacher thinks a website or video is ok for students to view, then why should they be blocked?

Since I use YouTube almost every day, I’ve dove pretty deep into the settings of the site. And one thing I’ve come across is a site that isn’t even YouTube itself. It’s YouTube Kids. This could be a great alternative for the district to allow us to view videos! There are no videos with swears and inappropriate content as it is already filtered.

On the flip side, this could cause more monitoring for teachers since there’s still some content that’s not exactly inappropriate, but may not have a place in school. But, this is definitely a better overall solution than blocking all of YouTube.

The new Hoffman Student Task Force is currently looking at this issue, and plan to interview students, teachers, and administrators to eventually put together a proposal. Students are responsible and capable to be appropriate online! So, we're begging you, please unblock YouTube!


By: Elle & Nicole

Do you like watching your favorite creators on YouTube? Well, starting January 2020, YouTubers will be PUNISHED for doing what they love.

The F.T.C. sued YouTube 170 MILLION dollars for violating COPPA, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, by sending targeted ads at kids. Here is an example of how targeted ads work: you look up "cats" on Google, and then you get ads about cat stuff popping up. Well, you aren’t supposed to send targeted ads at kids.

This is where all the trouble comes in. Because YouTube violated COPPA, the FTC sued them. This is forcing 2 things to happen:

  1. YouTube and Google have to pay
  2. Terrible things will happen on YouTube

Starting January 2020, creators on YouTube have to choose what type of content they are making: kids content or adult content. If you mark your content ‘wrong’, (basically saying your content is for kids, but it is really for adults) you may be forced to pay a fine of up to $42,000! At this time, it appears that this applies to kids as well!

According to the FTC, If you mistakenly choose "Kid's Content," you may lose:

  1. Comment section
  2. Monetization (creators lose the money they get for working hard)
  3. End screens

According to Cartoon Brew, here are some more things that will happen if you choose kids content:

"On videos and channels marked as 'for kids,' YouTube will no longer collect data on viewers (cookies) and show them targeted ads. Instead, 'contextualized ads,' based on the video’s content, will be played. These videos and channels will also lose a number of features. On 'kids' videos, things like comments, info cards, and end screens will be disabled; channels will no longer have notification bells, community tabs, stories, and more.'"

This is causing trouble for MANY creators. Here are some things that are “kids content” according to YouTube and the FTC:

"At a high level, content that is made for kids has an emphasis on:

  1. Children or children’s characters.
  2. Popular children’s programming or animated characters.
  3. Play-acting, or stories using children’s toys.
  4. Child protagonists engaging in common natural play patterns such as play-acting and/or imaginative play.
  5. Popular children’s songs, stories or poems.”

More things that will be marked as kids content are:

  1. Toys, so squishies and slime,
  2. Kits (So, craft kits and other stuff)
  3. Games (Video games, mainly)!
  4. Dolls

Most of these things are making artists, crafters, gamers, and animators really scared. It will be interesting to see how these changes roll out in 2020, but I, for one, think it's a step in the wrong direction.


By: Maira

There have been 45 school shootings over 46 weeks of 2019, averaging one school shooting a week. Most recently, there was a shooting at Saugus High School in Santa Clarita, California on November 14th. A 16-year-old girl and a 14-year-old boy were killed, while the shooter also died from a self-inflicted gunshot. This was one incident, but the epidemic of school shootings is widespread across our nation, including here in the Midwest. There have been at least 12 deaths attributed to school shootings so far this year.

The number of general mass shootings in the United States has outnumbered the days so far. School shootings are one such example and have been on the rise. This has led to fear among students, their parents and school staff; so much so that some have been wearing bulletproof vests and bulletproof backpacks.

As you can see from the graphic above, the United States leads the world in school shootings. Since 2009, there have been 288 school shootings on our soil. The next highest after that? Mexico, with just 8.

What can we do to combat this rise in school shootings? For one thing, we can limit access to guns by having more strict background checks while also providing counseling for those people who are considered at risk for mental health issues. Next, we can increase security at school by having metal detectors and conducting backpack inspections when needed. Hiring school security guards could also deter shooters. There are even some schools that use biometric technology, such as thumbprints, to control school access.

The year is not quite over yet, and there is a justified fear that there might be more school shootings in the future. We must do what we can to prevent this from happening more.

Want to make a difference? One way is to reach out to local congresspeople and give them our opinion on this very important matter that affects us all. Find out how to contact yours here: https://www.glenview.il.us/about/Pages/Federal-Representatives.aspx.

hong kong free speech protests

By: Blake

One of China’s most populated cities is in a crisis. The people of Hong Kong are protesting for a democratic government. Riot police are brutally attacking the demonstrators. What the heck is happening?

China’s style of government is communist, not capitalist like us. That means that everyone gets an equal share of the money, distributed by the government. It sounds good in theory, but it gives a lot of power to the government. Also, communist countries don’t elect their leaders, either. The dictators are born into power. The government usually keeps the money for themselves, which is China’s story.

In Hong Kong, the citizens are tired of communism, and they are protesting. The riot police are using weapons such as fire hoses and batons. Sometimes they even fire guns on the people protesting.

The riot police recently trapped student protesters in Hong Kong University, where they had set up a mini fortress. The standoff is still going on, and similar stuff is happening around the divided city.

I can only think of two outcomes: one, the Hong Kong governor gives in, and she takes it to the dictator, or two, the protesters eventually give in. Whichever happens first, though, it is still a long way off. But hope is on the horizon.

school news

teacher of the week: Ms. golden

By: Logan

L: What made you start a teaching career?

So I actually started out studying history in college. I had three different experiences working in the history field, working with archives and working with really old documents. I also worked with all the books and photographs. I really liked it, but the work was really lonely. They have to be in like a giant refrigerator. They have to be preserved in a cold dark room for hours on end. I realized as much as I love history, there's no way that I could do this through my whole life. I started thinking about places that I was happiest in my life, and I always loved school (for the most part). I realized “I think I want to be a teacher”, so I actually took an education class. I really loved it. Then, I went to grad school to become a real teacher.

L: Why did you choose to teach third grade?

So I have worked with kindergartners, first grade, second grade, and fourth grade, and not so much with third grade. Third grade just happened to be the one that was open at this amazing school, and I jumped on that. I absolutely love the perfect balance of they're still really young and excitable, and leave excited about life.

L: Did you teach other grades or at other schools before?

I worked as a teaching assistant, and an associate for two years at a school called Avoca West Elementary School. It's actually where I grew up and went to school!

L: Do you play class games?

Yeah, we try to do as much as possible, but usually it's only for about 10 minutes. We have board games, and I know some kids like to play games during math class, especially things like our multiplication squares. We have been trying "Name that Number," and with Soft Start, you get to school, you put your backpack and coat away and then you come in and it's a nice transition into the school day.

L: What do you do out of school?

I have been playing the violin for 14 years. I haven't played in an orchestra since college, but I like to pick it up every so often. It's so relaxing to me. I also did ballet for 12 years, so I like to dance whenever I can. I also enjoy going to museums, and just walking around and going on the lake. I love to read! I'm always reading something, usually nonfiction.

L: Do you have a dream home?

I've always wanted an office library, where you have a ladder, and a room for crafting. I really like craft collections.

L: Do you have a favorite emoji?

The monkey covering its eyes.

teacher of the week: Mrs. Schober

By: Brielle

When did you become an art teacher?

After much thought, I remember it was 12 years ago.

Why did you choose art?

I choose art because I like to work with many different supplies and projects.

What grades have you taught art to?

Preschool through 12th grade. Pretty much all of them!

What schools have you taught in besides Hoffman?

I've taught at Einstein Academy, and an art program at my kid's elementary school.

Have you taught any grade level as a home room

No, I've only ever wanted to teach art.

What is your favorite project do alone?


What is your favorite project to teach?

I like teaching clay.

What is your favorite color?

I like purple and red

Have you ever played an instrument?

I played the acoustic guitar in middle school.

How did you come up with the emoji game?

Just to help kids participate and get their bodies moving.

How did you come up with Mona Lisa?

I actually saw it on a website. Teachers are always looking online for cool new things to do with their kids. This was one of them.

Just for fun, what is your favorite emoji?

I like the wink with tongue sticking out ;p

Homeschooling: An Interview

By: Maira

What would it be like to be homeschooled? What are the benefits of homeschooling vs. going to a public school? I recently sat down with a homeschool teacher to learn more.

What made you start homeschooling?

“I used to live in in Springfield, Illinois, and we had a one room schoolhouse, and we started it there. We taught all the subjects a regular school would have. We moved to Florida, and continued it. We did it with our neighbors.”

How long have you been homeschooling?

“5 years”

What is your favorite part about homeschooling?

“The flexibility to teach, and to give one to one attention.”

What is the hardest part about homeschooling?

“Making sure we take heart at everything socially”

What do you do outside of homeschooling?

“We do sports for 12 hours, and volunteer at a nursing home and have book clubs.”

What is your dream for your child to accomplish?

“That kids are in touch with community”

What is your favorite subject teaching?

“Reading, daily news, and math”

What is your favorite book?

“My favorite book is Where the Mountain Meets the Moon”

What is your favorite candy?

“My favorite candy is anything that is sea salt dark chocolate”

Research corner

THe delta works

By: James & Nico

James and Nico are back, this time with a story.

It’s Saturday, January 31, 1953, in the Netherlands, after sundown. A severe European wind storm, and an exceptionally high tide, created a water level of 18.4 feet above average sea level. The waves totally knocked down the water barriers on the coast. In response, the government created the Delta Works.

The Delta Works are one of the Seven Wonders of the Very Modern World. Basically they are a set of dams, sluices, locks, dykes, levees, dams, storm surge barriers, and more dams built to protect the Rhine-Meuse-Scheldt Delta from floods similar to the one described above.

And now for a look at the largest works. (Some of the names are larger than the Delta Works themselves.)

The Oosterscheldekering Pronounced: ??????

Imagine a dam... 5.5 miles long! This is the largest and most expensive part of the Delta Works and is based on 65 concrete pillars and 2 man made islands. It took 10 years to build. At one end there is a sign that says, “Hier wordt het tij beheerst door de wind, de maan en de Nederlanders." Translation: “Here the tide is controlled by the wind, the moon and the Dutch.”

The Brouwersdam

They should have called this the Wowersdam. At 4 miles long, completely damming up a former river estuary. To build it people had to dig trenches in the riverbed. Next blocks of concrete were dropped into the trenches. The concrete was now covered in sand. That made the water still enough for (drumroll, please) the dam foundations!

Following the dam’s completion, around 300,000 acres of dry land were uncovered. YIPEE!

The Maeslantkering

This is a pretty average-sized dam for the Delta Works. (Meaning it’s huge).

This thing moves. So do so many other things on Earth. But very few of them are bigger than this. All 13,600 tons of it. It has to move because it protects the only sea route into the very large Dutch city of Rotterdam. (No, none of its buildings are rotted.) It took 6 years to build the 630-feet-long and 66-foot-high steel gates, the 680-ton and 30-ft-diameter ball and socket joints (to move the thing), and the 711-ft.-long trusses, and weld everything together.

We end with a picture. This shows the scale of the Delta Works (white) to a cargo ship (in middle by further gate).

That’s all from James this week. (But not all from Nico).

And we’ll see you next week on Research Corner.

The impeachment process

By: Lexi

What is Impeachment?

What is impeachment and how is it used? What happens when a president is impeached?

Only three presidents in the history of the US have been impeached, or in one case, resigned because of the vote to impeach. President Donald Trump, if impeached, could become the fourth.

Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution says that a president “shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

How it Works

First, the members of the House of Representatives debate and vote on whether to bring charges against the president. A simple majority vote is needed. If the House approves, then the Senate holds a trial with the chief justice of the US Supreme Court presiding. To convict and remove a president, a two-thirds majority vote is required. So far, no sitting president has been removed from office this way.

Impeached Presidents


Andrew Johnson was the 17th president of the US and the first to be impeached. In 1868, the president attempted to fire Secretary of War Edwin Stanton and the House decided to seek impeachment. The Senate didn’t convict Johnson and the trial was adjourned.


“Watergate” refers to the Washington, DC building where several burglars were arrested in the office of the Democratic National Committee. The burglars had been caught wiretapping phones and stealing documents. This was during the presidential election campaign and Nixon took aggressive steps to cover up the crimes. When it seemed obvious the Senate would vote in favor of impeachment, Nixon resigned.


The Republican-controlled House voted in October 1998 to begin impeachment proceedings against the 42nd president, Bill Clinton, regarding his inappropriate relations with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. On Dec. 19, 1998, Clinton was impeached for lying about his relationship with Lewinsky. However, on Feb. 12, the Senate voted not to convict, and Clinton finished out the rest of his presidential term in office.

Will Trump be the Fourth?

President Trump has not yet been impeached, but Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has approved moving forward with the process. Will he be the fourth president to face impeachment?

five most dangerous fish

By: Henry

The ocean is filled with weird and dangerous things. When you think about the ocean, you think about fish. Here are the five most dangerous fish, big and small, that lurk deep down in the ocean:

Northern Snakehead Fish: The Northern Snakehead Fish is dangerous because it can breathe on land and in the water. It can waddle out onto land to get to another stream or lake. It is bringing disease called Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome that infects many freshwater and brackish fish species in the Asia-Pacific region and Australia. But, the Northern Snakehead Fish also now inhabits California, Florida, Maine, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Maryland and Rhode Island and it It can survive on land for a maximum of four days! Also, females can lay up to 50,000 eggs per year. They are carnivores and are affecting many freshwater species.

Candiru Fish: The Candiru fish is attracted to urine and will attempt to take a direct route to reach the source of the smell. It feeds on blood so it is a vampire fish. It attaches itself to the nearest area of blood, when there, it permanently lodges itself to feed on blood until it is surgically removed. It also likes to attach themselves to the gills of larger fish (including much larger catfish, making them akin to cannibals) and eat their blood. You can find them in the Amazon Basin.

The Stone Fish: The Stone Fish When stepped on, it will inject high quantities of venom into its victim. The wounds produced from stepping on a Stonefish are intensely painful and can be fatal. The Stone Fish blends in with its surroundings almost completely and is very hard to spot. Instead of chasing its meal, it waits for its meal to come to them. When fish are a little less than a body length away, the stonefish will jump and swallow its surprised meal. Stonefish are commonly found in the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific where they live in shallow waters. It is considered to be the most venomous animal in the world, so be careful!!!

Puffer Fish: Puffer fish have a highly toxic substance called tetrodotoxin, which is located in its liver, ovaries, intestines and skin. The tetrodotoxin poison affects the brain of its victim and can cause weakness, paralysis and death. The tetrodotoxin is delivered through the puffer fish’s spikes when they get scared and puff up. Puffer Fish are found in tropical waters.

Red LionFish: The Red LionFish has venomous fin spines which are capable of producing painful, though rarely fatal, puncture wounds. If a human were to be stung by a lionfish, they would not die. It eats mostly fish and shrimp. They are thriving species that live in the Caribbean Sea.

freezing temperatures in the midwest

By: Keira

In early November, Chicago reached record lows for the coldest weather in November: 18 degrees with a wind chill of negative 3! Earlier this year, on January 30, the temperature hit -30 degrees, one of the lowest recorded temperatures in our area.

Why is this Happening?

Two simple words: global warming. Yes, even though these temperatures were so cold, they are happening because the planet is getting too hot. Pollution is changing our world. In Venice, Italy, water is rising. Due to warming temperatures, icebergs are melting quicker than they ever have, causing sea levels to rise and affecting water everywhere.

Humans have created so much pollution, it’s insane. Did you know that one-pound of cement is one-pound of pollution in the air? With cement being used in almost every road, building, and home, this is a ton of pollution!

How Can We Fix It?

It often seems like there is nothing we can do about it. Scientists talk about a "point of no return," and some argue we may already be there. But, we shouldn't give up hope!

Many companies are changing the way they make things to be more conscious of hte environment. Cements companies, for example, have been working on a way to make cement with less pollution. Teenage activist Greta Thunberg has been raising awarenss as well.

We can't take any of the pollution we have done in the past out of our atmosphere, but that doesn't mean we can't work to be cleaner in the future!


College Football Update

By: Nico

Nico is giving the college football world the newest news about college football. The four teams that are in the College Football Playoff and have a shot at the National Championship have been revealed. Here they are:

1 LSU (13-0)

2 Ohio State (13-0)

3 Clemson (13-0)

4 Oklahoma (12-1)

Here’s some info about the semifinals and championship:

Chick-Fil-A Peach Bowl - Oklahoma vs LSU

The Basics: LSU just snagged the number-one seed from Ohio State and would like to stay there. They beat Georgia (11-2) 37-10 Saturday, knocking Georgia out of the playoff conversation. Oklahoma snuck in with a 30-23 overtime win over Baylor on Saturday, and that, combined with losses by Utah (11-2) and Georgia, was enough to get them in.

Series History: Oklahoma and LSU have only played each other twice, both in the Sugar Bowl. Their first meeting was in 1950, and Oklahoma got a surprising 35-0 win. In 2004 they played again and LSU won 21-14.

Watch It: December 28, 3 PM, ESPN

PlayStation Fiesta Bowl - Clemson vs Ohio St.

The Basics: This might be the game of the year. Both teams are undefeated. Clemson has won 27 games in a row. Ohio St. has beaten some of the best teams in the country (Michigan, Penn State, and Wisconsin twice). Clemson won their last game by 45 points and Ohio St. outscored Wisconsin 27-0 in the 2nd half of their meeting. In short, this is going to be a great game.

Series History: Ohio State has never beaten Clemson. They first met in the 1978 Gator Bowl, which Clemson won 17-15. Ohio State finally got their chance at revenge in the 2014 Orange Bowl, but Clemson won again, this time 40-35. They met again in the PlayStation Fiesta Bowl two years later but Clemson won 31-0. Ohio St. will play Clemson in the PlayStation Fiesta Bowl again and Ohio St. will have another chance at revenge.

Watch It: December 28, 7 PM, ESPN

player of the week: Pat Mahomes

By: Anthony

Player of the Week is back people!

Hello Hoffman Hornets, my name is Anthony, and thank you for your time to read the first Player of the Week of 2019.

This week's Player of the Week is probably one of the best QB’s currently in the NFL, Pat Mahomes.

Patrick Lavon Mahomes II was born on September 17, 1995, which makes him 24 years old. His dad, Pat Mahomes I, was an MLB pitcher, and his mom was Randi Mahomes. His parents later divorced, which must have been really hard for young Pat.

Mahomes went to Whitehouse High School in Whitehouse, Texas and played three sports, football, baseball, and basketball. He had 4,619 passing yards, 50 passing TD’s, 948 rushing yards, and 15 rushing TD’s in his High School career, and a no hitter with 16 strikeouts in his baseball career. He was named the Male Athlete of the Year for 2013 and 2014. He was also ranked the 12th best dual threat QB in his high school class.

He later went to Texas Tech where he was a top MLB prospect, but wasn’t expected to be picked since his commitment. He was selected by the Tigers in the 37th round, but didn’t sign. In his freshman year, he was the backup QB. But when starting QB Davis Webb left the game with an injury, he finally got to play. He completed two of five passes with 20 yards, a touchdown, and an interception. When Webb was injured yet again, Pat started his first starting career game against Texas, with 13 out of 21 complete passes and 109 yards, and would remain starter. At the end of his college career, he played 32 games, passed 93 TD’s, had 29 interceptions, completed 857 passes, and had 1,349 pass attempts.

When Mahomes entered the draft, analysts thought he’d be a 1st or 2nd round pick. But with the 10th pick of the 1st round, the Kansas City Chiefs selected him in 2017. In July of 2017, they fully signed him to a four year, $16.42 million dollar contract.

The first game Mahomes played was on December 27, 2017 in week 17 against the Broncos. He lead the Chiefs to a W with 23 out of 35 passes completed, an interception, and 284 yards. In January of 2018, he was named the starting QB after the Chiefs traded their starter Alex Smith. In his first game as a starter, he and the Chiefs beat the L.A Chargers 38 to 28 and threw 256 yards and 4 TD’s. The next week he threw 362 yards and 6 TD’s. He set the record for most TD passes in just two weeks. After that he went insane, finishing the season with 383 passes complete, 580 pass attempts, 5,097 yards, 50 TD’s, 12 interceptions, 272 rushing yards, an MVP award, and a playoff clinch. The Chiefs got all the way to the semifinals but were stopped by the Patriots.

Mahomes has become one of the most recognizable names in sports. Last night, he took on another one of the most famous names in sports: Tom Brady.

Holiday Fun

How was your thanksgiving?

By: Keira

How was YOUR Thanksgiving? What food did you eat? What did you do? I interviewed James W. in 5th grade about his unique Thanksgiving experience:

Interview with James. W (5th grade)

Keira: How was your Thanksgiving break?

James: Well, we couldn’t do much because our dog had just finished surgery.

Keira: Oh, tell me more.

James: Um, she had a twisted colon. But, they fixed it very quickly.

Nico: That’s good.

James: And the incision itself is healing nicely. She had been refusing to eat. It turns out, one of the medicines we gave her had made her nauseous. So, they helped her get her appetite back.

Keira: Ok, um, did anything else out of the open happen?

James: Um, out of the…

Keira: of the ordinary life?

James: Yes! When we went to Thanksgiving dinner, my cousin tried to entertain us. He had a microphone, and my cousin, Lucas, said it was a torture device. And you know, she got upset as we tried to get rid of it. She got really mad at me. So I spent the last 30 minutes in the basement with my cousin's Nerf gun loaded.

Keira: So what did you eat?

James: Mostly King’s Hawaiian buns because I am a vegetarian and I hate broccoli.

Keira: Oh, well did your family make you anything, like Mac and cheese?

James: No. I was not hungry, though.

Keira: Did you go anywhere?

James: Well if driving 45 minutes counts, then yes, I did.

Keira: What did you do?

James: Well I forgot to bring a book, so I mostly stared at the window.

Keira: Well have a great day.

James: Bye!

How My Thanksgiving Was

Every year, my family and I drive 7 hours to my grandparents' house in Iowa. On the drive, I wrote about everything that happened:

“The wind whistled and whipped past me as I ran to the car. We were about to go on a drive to Iowa to see my dear Grandparents. ‘Hurry, Hurry,’ I yelped. The car made Rudolph’s-nose-noises as the wind swirled our car. I looked out my window to see a dullish sky filling the world with gloomy emotions.”

Once we arrived, my cousins came and we feasted on a delicious meal.

I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving as much as I enjoyed mine!

Getting Ready for christmas

By: Emely & Sandra

ALL OVER THE WORLD - On Christmas Day, some people celebrate Christmas and some people celebrate other December holidays.

In this article, you will learn some facts about Christmas, its history, and much more. Also, let's not forget about that delicious food. Invite your favorite family member over, and let's get ready!


Some people might know Christmas as fun, a time to celebrate with family members, and some might know it for the religion. While it may not always seem it, Christmas is a religious holiday. Mary had to take Jesus, her son, to Bethlehem to keep him safe. The newborn was born in a manger and slept there for a few days.


On Christmas, everyone celebrates with some of their favorite food. We get to eat all of the delicious food, like tamales, tacos and much more. The most common drinks are soda and champurrado. Christmas is a day to be thankful, and you should enjoy the food that your mom, and your family members created.


Let us know, and we will write about them next week!

Book of the week

By: Jillian

"Series of Unfortunate Events" by: Lemony Snicket

Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudilere have been through a lot, especially after their parents died. Even so, they manage to get out of the hands of the evil villain Count Olaf. This evil villain forces them to move around so much, visiting each of their relatives.

How will they defeat Count Olaf and his troop and find somewhere safe to live?

Read this awesome book A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS.

P.S if you would like to feature a title on Book of the Week, please email me or tell me in person.

upcoming movie releases

By: Jillian & Keira

If you go to the movies, what movie would you want to watch? Many movies are about to be released in the next few weeks:

The Rise of Skywalker

George Lucas has been working on Star Wars since March 25, 1976. On Friday, December 20th, the Star Wars saga finally comes to an end after 9 movies. Early reviews have been good, and people are expecting record-breaking numbers!

Frozen II

Remember when Frozen came and it was the talk of the town? Thankfully, Frozen II took people right down memory lane: it is once again the talk of the town. From singing to combat scenes, this high-pact, mysterious, funny adventure about who Elsa will leave you wondering which Frozen is better.

Playing With Fire

John Cena strikes again! As a pro wrestler, movie star, John is now playing in this very funny new movie. When straightlaced fire superintendent Jake Carson and his elite team of firefighters come to the rescue of three siblings, they quickly realize that no amount of training could prepare them for their most challenging job yet - babysitting. As their lives, jobs and depot get turned upside down, the three men soon learn that children, much like fires, are wild and unpredictable.

Dora and the Lost City of Gold

When was the last time you saw Dora in a cartoon? Well, now Dora is in a live movie! And trust me, it’s awesome. Dora is from the deep forest of South America, but now she must go to an American school. On a field trip, they get transported to South America to find Dora’s parents. In this adventure story you will be transported, with Dora.


It’s back! But in desert style. Last time, they all made it, but this time, they will have to work harder to survive. This thriller film will leave you at the edge of your seat.

Maleficent II

As a beautiful young woman of pure heart, Maleficent (Angelina Jolie) has an evil life in a forest kingdom. When an invading army threatens the land, Maleficent rises up to become its fiercest protector. However, a terrible betrayal hardens her heart and twists her into a creature bent on revenge. She engages in an epic battle with the invading king's successor, then curses his newborn daughter, Aurora - realizing only later that the child holds the key to peace in the kingdom.

See all of these movies! Tell us what you think!

Show of the week

By: Brielle, Lucy, Sydney & Anthony

"The Mandalorian" on Disney+

"The Mandalorian" is a Star Wars series on Disney Plus. It is about a Bounty Hunter who goes on journeys across the galaxy to find different criminals that have a price on their heads.

Early in the series, the Mandalorian hunts down the subject, and finds a metal ball that unlocks a……..

BABY YODA?! (A baby Yoda thing, I am)

Yes, whatever species Old Daddy Yoda was, this new Baby Yoda is the same!

But wait, you thought the subject was 50 years old? Well, he is! Just…Baby Yoda looks like a, well, baby.

Anyhow, after seeing the baby, Mandalorian falls in love with him/her, but still takes him to the man that was going to give him money for the cute creature.

Now, don’t think we’re going to spoil the whole adventure for you! This is NOT the way (*smirks* Mandalorian inside joke)!

However, we will tell you the actors! The Mandalorian is Pedro Pascal. Baby Yoda is…not real.

But of course, there are more characters as the series goes on, but we wouldn’t spoil them for you.

A few more things you should know about the show are that first, “The Mandalorian,” comes out every Friday, and that each show is about 27-30 minutes long.

If you want to know where in the Star Wars timeline it takes place, it takes place after "Episode VI Return of the Jedi" and "Episode VII the Force Awakens." And sorry, no characters from the Original Trilogy, like Luke, Han, and Leia, are in it, since this is a new story.

If you don’t have Disney+, it’s $6.99 a month and $69.99 a year, with other great Star Wars shows such as The Clone Wars, Rebels, and Resistance. It also has movies Episode I to Episode VII, and the spin off movie Rogue One. Episode IX the Rise of Skywalker also comes out on Friday, December 20, and will be the last installment in the Skywalker Saga.

May the Force be with you...

(a brief) Movie of the week

By: Brielle, Lucy, Sydney

"Frozen 2"

"Frozen 2" is a great movie!

Olaf was really funny and he gave many interesting facts. One was TURTLES BREATHE THROUGH THEIR BUTTS!

The whole movie is based around the 5th spirit. Our characters go into the forest and find a tribe. The tribe helps them survive fire, earth, giants, and the dark sea.

Also, Anna and Elsa find the truth about their parents. They voyage to the mysterious forest to try and find them.

Anna is Kristen Bell, Elsa is Idina manzel, Olaf is Josh Gad, and Jonathan Groff is Kristoff.

This movie is really good, so you guys should watch it! You can see it in any movie theater by you now!

(a brief) Celeb of the week: Kristen Bell

By: Ana & Kyla

Kristen Anne Bell was born on July 18th, 1980 in Huntington Woods, MI. She’s married to Dax Shepard and has two children, Delta and Lincoln. She started acting in a stage production when she attended the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University. She has been in The Good Place, Frozen, Zootopia, Teen Titans Go! to the movies, and Astro Boy. Besides Frozen, she might be best known for Veronica Mars.


Let your depression go because Frozen 2 just came out! As the girls said above, see it today!


For Fun

Would You Rather?!

By: Henry

Would you rather have to sleep the rest of eternity on metal, or concrete floor?

Would you rather have to live on the smallest planet in the world, or have to eat only bugs for the rest of your life?

Would you rather have to eat a banana, including the peel, everyday with every meal, or have to eat an orange every day including the peel?

Would you rather have to skydive off of the Willis Tower ten times, and have to pay for it, or have a 15 hour tutor lesson with no recess or break?

Would you rather have to wear a wool coat for the rest of your life, or have to wear a tank top for the test of your life?

Would you rather have to eat 50 year old M&M’s, or have to eat 50 year old Skittles?

Would you rather have to wear sunglasses every day, no matter the circumstances, or have to wear red contacts every day, no matter the circumstances? [Ed. Note: Um. Sunglasses. No contest. Even at night.]

Would you rather eat frog legs, or a dead snail?

This has been…Would You Rather!

Celebrity Spotlight: Daisy Ridley vs. Brie Larsen

By: Inaaya & Maira

You might like gaming. You might like drawing. But today, we are talking about actresses! Before you start reading, think, who do you like better right now: Brie Larson or Daisy Ridley?

Brie Larson

You may know brie Larson from "Captain Marvel" or "Avengers End Game," but she is in more films than just the MCU.

Brianne Sidonie Desaulniers (born October 1, 1989), started as a supporting actor in comedies when she was a teenager. She has gone on to starring roles, receiving such accolades as an Academy Award and a Golden Globe. Time Magazine named her one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2019.

Born in Sacramento, California, Larson was homeschooled. At age six, she became the youngest student admitted to a training program at the American Conservatory Theater. She soon relocated to Los Angeles and began her acting career in 1998. She appeared as a regular in the 2001 sitcom Raising Dad and briefly dabbled with a music career, releasing the album Finally Out of P.E. in 2005. Larson later played supporting roles in the comedy films "Hoot" (2006), "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" (2010), and "21 Jump Street" (2012).

Websites to find out more information about Brie Larson:


Brie Larson

Brie Larson Fan | Your ultimate source for the actress Brie ...

Daisy Ridley

Can you guess who this is? You might think that she is just Rey from "Star Wars," but she too has done a lot more, like Ophelia, Peter Rabbit, Scrawl, Murder on the Orient Express, and more.

Daisy Ridley was born on the April 10, 1992, in Westminister, London. She is the youngest of three girls. Daisy is currently 27 years old, and her upcoming movie, "Rise of Skywalker," is getting everybody’s attention. It will be the final movie of the Star Wars saga. Daisy is currently engaged to Tom Bateman. They met while doing "Murder on the Orient Express." Daisy says that she loves Star Wars, and loves playing such a “meaningful, fierce character” And who wouldn’t agree with that?

Links to find out more on Daisy Ridley:

Daisy Ridley - Wikipedia


StarWars.com | The Official Star Wars Website for this one, search Daisy Ridley

Who did you choose at the beginning of the article? Did we change your mind?

comic corner

"How to Draw: A Face"

By: Lexi

Guest Comic: Bob vs. Bob (Preview)

By: Peter

And now...

hide and seek Time!

Meme of the Week

By: Logan; Blake, Anthony, Henry

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