Hoffman News

The Week of APRIL 13th, 2020

World news

Coronavirus Update

By: Jillian

Since the beginning of this global pandemic, I have been providing updates on COVID-19.

It has been almost a full month since we've been in our schools, and a lot has changed since then:

  • Nearly 500,000 confirmed cases in the United States; nearly 25,000 of those have recovered; sadly, more than 16,000 people did not
  • Over 10,000 confirmed cases in Cook County; 300+ deaths. These are both, by far, the most in any Illinois county
  • The worst day so far in Illinois was Wednesday, April 8th - Officials are saying they have reason to believe we are just starting to slow this outbreak down
  • There have been at least 77 confirmed cases in Glenview
  • Scientists have leads on vaccines, but have yet to create a successful one
  • Efforts are being made by governments and corporations to create masks for everyone

Right now, the best thing we can all do is continue to listen to the governor, our parents, and our teachers. Social distancing is still recommended for all of Illinois, and non-essential businesses (and schools) are closed until at least April 30th.

For more information, please visit: https://www.glenview.il.us/Pages/coronavirus.aspx

Stay safe!

famous people suffering from coronavirus

By: Lucy and Sydney

As you know, an outbreak of coronavirus has started around the world.

People are getting affected, and 90% of Americans are staying home. What you may not know is that some of those people who are affected are famous.

Chris Cuomo is a news anchor for CNN. His brother is the mayor of New York, but he doesn’t have the virus. Chris doesn’t know how he got the Coronavirus, but his grandpa has died from it.

Prince Charles is the prince of Wales. He’s 71 years old, and again, he doesn’t know how he got the coronavirus. His sons, Prince William and Prince Harry, are in perfect condition, along with his 93 year mother, Queen Elizabeth the second.

Boris Johnson is the prime minister of the United Kingdom and is 55 years old. He was admitted to the hospital the night of April 6th and doesn’t know how he got Coronavirus. He was initially in intensive care, but was released Thursday, April 9th.

Kevin Durant is a basketball player for the Brooklyn Nets. Him, along with three others on his team, have tested positive for the coronavirus. This was after the NBA had already shut down, when Jazz forward Rudy Gobert tested positive before a game.

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson have been married for 31 years and they don’t know how they got Coronavirus, but they have been released from their quarantine. They report that; “Two weeks after our first symptoms, we feel better.” (CNN)

Pink is a singer and she has 2 children. Her real name is Alecia Beth More and she doesn't know how she got Coronavirus, but she posted on Twitter that she was developing symptoms before she got tested.

J.K. Rowling is the Author of a world famous series, Harry Potter. She has recovered from having the virus, though. She says that she experienced all of the symptoms, but she’s fine, now.

Sadly, many more people around the globe have contracted the virus, some even dying from it.

Coronavirus is very serious and the best thing you can do to stop the spread is to Stay Home!!! This might seem like an easy task, but some people don't believe in it. Only go out if you absolutely have to, and when you do, please use the social distancing guidelines.

We need to stop the spread so remember STAY HOME!!


Teaching in times of covid-19

Mrs. Pierce

By: Logan

1. Have there been any struggles with Zoom?

Zoom has actually been really great. It is so nice to see my students and my teammates. I have loved having the chance to chat with them all, workout with them, plan, and read to students. Sometimes, it is hard to hear students, but other than that, it has been a really useful and fun resource.

2. Are there any improvements that can be made?

I can't really think of any except for making sure all microphones work properly on student iPads.

3. How do you think your class is handling distance learning?

My class is doing ABSOLUTELY FANTASTICALLY! I continue to be so impressed with how hard the class is working. My class is very active on Hangouts, asking and answering question as well. Their work completion has been outstanding and so thoughtful. They are reflecting on their days, and sharing their ups and downs. They are a super group of kids!

4. Is your class comfortable with the changes made?

I think it is hard at first getting used to things changing, but my class does a great job asking clarifying questions. I send emails giving specific information and details in hopes of helping them better understand the changes. We also talk about the plan in our Zoom meetings. I think they like the fact that they don't have EVERY subject EVERY day. It is a good break during the week, and helps them plan their days better. They are really going with the flow of it all. We set up routines right from the start so they are used to the expectations.

5. Are there any things that you would like to say to make other kids in D34 more comfortable?

Every day, do something to make yourself smile or feel happy. Eat a cookie or some M & Ms. Draw. Color. Go for bike ride. Hug a family member.

Keep working hard, but let yourself have breaks whenever you need one. It is ok. Do what is best for you and your family.

Stay well, Hoffman! I miss you all!

Mr. Russell

By: Jillian

1. What's been exciting about teaching during this time?

I think that it has been exciting to be able to spend more time with my son to see his development. He is 2 1/2, so I have been able to do a lot with him when I have free time. It has been neat to familiarize myself with different technology like Zoom and Google Hangout to connect electronically.

2. What's been challenging?

I think like everyone, we are trying our best to follow the CDC guidelines. What I used to consider a simple chore like going to the store is something I actually really miss, but we are really trying to limit those trips. Also, I was sad to have to tell Tyler (my son) that the park was currently closed.

3. How has it changed your teaching?

This has changed our teaching so much. Instead of being able to visually see students demonstrate a skill and their engagement during a class period, it has more been through discussion boards and emails which is quite different. Mrs. Bosco, Mr. Mazza and I have really enjoyed being able to do some Zoom or Google Hangouts to lead some exercises with students and teachers for a little fitness activity.

4. How are you coping?

I am hoping that people adhere to the guidelines because I really do miss being at school, seeing all the teachers and staff, and miss spending time with my family.

5. What have you been doing in your free time?

In my free time, I am trying to do some more exercises of my own, teach my son new things, and catch up on a few TV shows.

6. Is it nice to kind of have a break?

I think it was sort of nice for a little while, but I am definitely ready to get back to normal. I was really hoping to have a beautiful Spring so that we could get to more outside units and activities during PE, so we will see how that plays out.

7. Have you ever done something like this before?

E-Learning is definitely something that is new to me. I did take a grad school class that was all online, but that that was a long time ago.

I hope that everyone is doing ok during this strange time. Take care of yourself, and take care of others! I hope to see everyone again soon.

Mrs. Schober

By: Jillian

1. What's been exciting about teaching during this time?

It has been exciting having my daughter home from college. She is really fun to spend time with. I also received the hard copy of an art lesson republished in the Steam Book by School Arts magazine. It is the Makey Makey Play Music on your Art lesson that I do with Mr. Banas in fourth grade.

2. What's been challenging?

The biggest challenge has been making sure that students are working on the art projects, uploading them to Artsonia, and completing their Exit Ticket in Schoology. It has been challenging developing lessons that can meet the needs of all students regardless of access to materials and academic level.

3. How has it changed your teaching?

Art is very visual and face-to-face teaching is a crucial part in the success of the student in that journey. I find that I have to be very precise in my instructions and simplify them a great deal. I am not able to add as many personal experiences to help students understand the information or offer helpful tricks to guide them through the creative process.

4. How are you coping?

I am coping quite well. I have never been one to sit around so I always have lots of projects to work on whether creative, working in my yard or home improvement.

5. What have you been doing in your free time?

I don't have a lot of free time but, I manage to include cooking, board and card games with my daughter, zooming with friends and family, painting and streaming programs into my week.

6. Is it nice to kind of have a break?

I do not feel like this has been a break at all. The complete opposite actually. [Ed. Note: ::same::]

7. Have you ever done something like this before?

I use quite a bit of technology in my classroom already. Utilizing parts of my presentations is similar but I have never had to teach completely remote. I really miss being in the classroom working with students and watching them create and manipulate the art materials.

8. Have you been doing art at home?

I have been lucky enough to create art at home. I have been painting and I also created two t-shirt designs. One is based on physical distancing and the other one is for my sister-in-law and her staff. She is a doctor in the ER at Children's Hospital in Milwaukee and she wanted something to help boost their moral during this very tough. stressful time.

Mr. banas

By: Jillian

1. What's been exciting about teaching during this time?

It's been exciting learning to use new technology and resources to better assist the students while they learn at home.

2. What's been challenging?

It's been challenging going through the endless amounts of resources and deciding what will work best for the students, parents and me. It has also been challenging communicating the use of these new resources with the students.

3. How has it changed your teaching?

Teaching from home and making everything digital has changed what I am teaching to the students. We are now unable to practice singing together and working as a group. We're unable to play instruments and learn folk dances. I've had to remove this from my teaching and incorporate other things that I may not have done before.

4. How are you coping?

I'm coping by doing my best to get outside every day, exercising more, playing with my kids and keeping in mind that we will all make it through this.

5. What have you been doing in your free time?

I've been spending a lot of time with my kids, getting to know our new kitten (Dusty) a little, playing some video games and trying to stay active as much as possible.

6. Is it nice to kind of have a break?

It is and it isn't. It's nice to not have to wake up early and drive to work, but I miss seeing all of the teachers and students every day. I miss being able to see my family members and have the cousins get together and play.

7. Have you ever done something like this before?

I don't think anyone has done something like this before.

8. Have you been practicing some instruments from home?

I actually have not. Although, I promised Mrs. T that I would play something for her and Ms. Morgan's class!

Ms. raza

By: Logan

1. Have there been any struggles with Zoom?

The sound quality is a little funky, and there are some distractions. Also, some people are drawing on their backgrounds, and I find that disruptive.

2. Are there any improvements that can be made?

Those sorts of changes can be made by the teacher, as well as some of the safety issues, and I think they were very good changes.

3. How do you think your class is handling distance learning?

Most of my students all flow through the work pretty well.

4. Is your class comfortable with the changes made?

Everybody seems to be doing well, I've been impressed.

5. Are there any things that you would like to say to make other kids in D34 more comfortable?

"Do your best, and forget the best."

Ms. cone

By: Jillian

1. What's been exciting about teaching during this time?

I think I have had to redefine this word and adapt a new meaning. My weekly Zoom meets with other Drama teachers have been exciting. I also have really liked the back stories, style and soundtracks that my students have been creating for their character assignments.

2. What's been challenging?

I miss being in the classroom. As a Drama teacher, I learn by physically doing things, so creating lessons that can be done virtually as a not so savvy tech person, has been a real growth edge. I also miss my students, their sense of humor and their talent.

I also have never had a musical cast and then had it sit in limbo, so figuring out how to potentially showcase this in a different way is a daily contemplation.

3. How has it changed your teaching?

I have had to collaborate a lot with other Drama teachers and ask for help from technology experts, in addition to accepting creativity in a different form.

4. How are you coping?

Meditation and social distancing, communication with friends and family.

5. What have you been doing in your free time?

A lot of social distance conversations with friends and family, nature walks, watching movies, reading play scripts, listening to music, doing yoga, eating probably a bit more than I need to and chillin with my cat!

6. Is it nice to kind of have a break?

Honestly, I prefer to be teaching, directing, collaborating and creating!

7. Have you ever done something like this before?


8. Have you been doing some drama at home?

I am acting out the word "patience" every day!

learning in times of covid-19

By: Brielle

Here we are with the first-ever "virtual edition" of the Hoffman News! I know it's hard not seeing all of your friends and teachers everyday, but it is only for your safety.

You might be like me, wondering what all of my fellow schoolmates are doing to occupy themselves during this CORONA-CATION.

I have reached out to students in every grade to ask them questions about their experiences.

5th grade

Ana (Ms. Mies' class)

1. What do you like most about E-learning?

My favorite part about E- learning is you can eat whenever, take a break whenever, and you don't need to wake up early.

2. What don't you like about it?

What I don't like about it is that I don't always feel like I get the correct help that I normally would if I were actually in Ms. Mies' class with her.

3. What do you do to keep yourself busy?

To keep myself busy, I have been spending time on YouTube, playing outside, or being on my phone.

4. What is something fun you have done in the past few weeks that has been either fun, cool, sad, scary or all of the above?

Something fun was that on Google Hangouts, I got to connect with a friend during one of the E-learning days.

Jake (Mr. Mariano's class)

1. What do you like most about E-learning?

I like not having to get ready quickly every morning, and not having as busy a schedule.

2. What don't you like about it?

I don't like doing the work all on my own, and not seeing anyone from school.

3. What do you do to keep yourself busy?

I might just relax outside when it's nice out, or take out some kind of puzzle.

4. What is something fun you have done in the past few weeks that has been either fun, cool, sad, scary or all of the above?

Well, I've been having time to watch T.V, as well as doing something outside with my family more often, which is nice.

Brea (Ms. Clarke's class)

1. What do you like most about E-learning?

I like how the day feels faster, and that I can work at my own pace.

2. What don't you like about it?

I don't like how some Zoom meetings go for a long time. Also, sometimes they don't explain what to do on a paper.

3. What do you do to keep yourself busy?

I make sure I do all my work, and then read. When I am done, I try to go outside a lot.

4. What is something fun you have done in the past few weeks that has been either fun, cool, sad, scary or all of the above?

I think it's fun in reading how we get to do reading class on our Zoom meeting. We've also been able to have PE through Zoom, so that's been new and cool.

4th Grade

Jillian (Ms. Levin's class)

1. What do you like most about E-learning?

I like that I get to stay home, and how I get to wake up late and watch movies at night.

2. What don't you like about it?

I don't like all this Zoom stuff. I prefer being able to talk face to face.

3. What do you do to keep yourself busy?

I mostly go outside, practice piano, and play hockey at home.

4. What is something fun you have done in the past few weeks that has been either fun, cool, sad, scary or all of the above?

A scary thing was baking. We tried to make a brownie. My mom took out most of the sugar so it tasted awful. Also, my dad set up Disney Plus so we've (my brother, sister and my parents) been watching movies every night. (We are still trying to bake and cook).

Yu-na (Ms. Levin's class)

1. What do you like most about E-learning?

It is independent, and you don't have to worry about rushing on your work.

2. What don't you like about it?

It’s sometimes confusing without always having your teacher there to help you.

3. What do you do to keep yourself busy?

I hurry up and finish my work, and then I spend time with my family.

4. What is something fun you have done in the past few weeks that has been either fun, cool, sad, scary or all of the above?

I used chalk to color on my skateboard, and have been practicing a lot of golf.

3rd Grade

Jillian (Mr. Hoerr's class)

1. What do you like most about E-learning?

What I like most about E-learning is that you can still learn while you're at home.

2. What don't you like about it?

What I don't like about it is that it can be very tiring.

3. What do you do to keep yourself busy?

When I get bored in a subject, which can happen, I usually read until I want to work again. So, I feel like I'm still doing something school-related, but can take a break.

4. What is something fun you have done in the past few weeks that has been either fun, cool, sad, scary or all of the above?

What's really cool about e-learning is that you can still talk to your friends over Zoom and Google Hangouts, so that has been surprisingly fun!

Ravi (Ms. Ricci's class)

1. What do you like most about E-learning?

Still getting to interact with friends.

2. What don't you like about it?

Being stuck at home - I miss being at school.

3. What do you do to keep yourself busy?

I've been reading lots of books.

4. What is something fun you have done in the past few weeks that has been either fun, cool, sad, scary or all of the above?

I've been watching a lot of documentaries, there are so many good ones to choose from.

Now that you have heard some things that others in your school have been doing to stay active, get outside and ride your bike or go on a walk.

I hope you're all doing well, having fun and staying active while at home!

The insane, sudden popularity of zoom

By: Chase


No, not like a car goes zoom. ZOOM, the virtual meeting app.

I’m sure before Covid-19, most of us knew nothing or very little about ZOOM. ZOOM is a virtual meeting app that allows you to see and talk to other people from a distance. In ZOOM, you can talk to any amount of people from 2-100, and you can have a normal conversation with someone from a long distance.

The reason ZOOM has suddenly become so popular is that Coronavirus (Covid-19) is preventing people from being together (social distancing), and people were looking for innovative ways to keep in touch with friends and family. It has also been very important for many people to continue to work. [Ed. Note: Just ask your teachers!]

Some examples of what people are using ZOOM for are: classes have been using ZOOM academically to keep in touch about eLearning; parents are using ZOOM so they can keep working; friends are using ZOOM to keep in touch; and families are using ZOOM to talk to each other virtually.

In 2011, Eric S. Yuan founded ZOOM Video Communications. ZOOM’S net worth is 5 Billion US dollars, a total that has jumped 4 billion dollars since January 1st, 2020. Currently, ZOOM has around 2,000 employees. Right now, due to Coronavirus, ZOOM sees more than 1 million users every day! That is a lot of people!

Recently, ZOOM has improved their security system by requiring every participant of the meeting to enter a password in order to join the meeting, so random people don’t join someone’s private meeting. ZOOM’s audio and video quality is one of the best in the business. This makes it easier for people to hear what other people are saying very clearly. Also, you can see other people very well. Lastly, ZOOM offers 1 on 1 meetings with other people, unlike other communication apps such as Skype.

Now, you will be an expert on using ZOOM. So, next time you are feeling bored, download ZOOM and talk to your friends.

research corner: the five largest rubik's cubes

By: James and Nico

Ahh, the Rubik’s cube, a simple 3x3x3 cube; so simple, so small, so easy to comprehend.


Rubik's cubes have gotten bigger and more challenging, with stuff like The Rubik's Revenge (a 4x4x4), The Professor’s cube (a 5x5x5), and the V- cube 6 (6x6x6), 7(7x7x7), 8 (8x8x8), 9 (9x9x9), and an over-the-top cube (17x17x17). But now we go to the biggest, baddest, and craziest cubes of all time!

5: 22x22x22

That's right folks, this exists. The first time it was made, it was so big, it... exploded when they tried to turn it. It is so huge it has... drumroll please...

43 255 043 761 603 797 113 630 091 774 844 134 775 453 550 640 366 980 778 547 673 133 233 526 156 056 111 086 352 762 541 106 680 563 100 444 501 556 754 078 061 200 040 161 902 545 444 981 363 159 418 942 317 624 324 342 475 893 310 046 720 902 418 909 842 572 254 925 048 152 255 763 863 441 303 957 601 376 714 844 611 959 683 697 690 635 818 016 496 854 273 739 359 313 279 064 666 370 046 140 892 353 517 823 980 846 922 675 751 474 787 577 446 355 037 664 594 347 801 588 102 349 880 881 928 045 254 762 441 010 636 430 061 482 254 233 491 880 624 942 631 395 654 007 616 048 601 555 395 209 216 128 415 329 219 747 176 133 779 395 956 146 746 911 514 214 771 775 855 690 239 351 072 162 630 720 328 485 482 144 507 681 466 660 622 736 814 225 845 041 389 468 585 359 274 634 625 239 725 398 675 655 356 047 474 149 388 129 506 975 426 678 293 985 190 094 954 373 200 648 529 109 213 009 085 243 025 295 695 714 725 062 048 495 626 790 315 739 291 458 632 493 329 982 002 276 666 437 129 462 665 130 296 574 060 413 847 380 108 081 447 548 388 904 581 805 682 624 806 259 243 368 405 271 472 607 466 620 943 953 521 539 611 552 808 899 034 647 451 671 884 821 871 473 150 002 371 967 161 469 667 395 692 183 541 805 647 906 126 837 698 919 382 420 530 164 759 161 006 195 029 042 343 889 342 090 679 974 741 074 212 214 617 599 362 461 432 095 130 944 516 954 244 601 505 865 754 479 368 324 547 884 288 638 788 858 960 324 700 273 827 359

[Ed. Note: Are you still reading this?]

843 495 876 728 690 396 404 545 429 654 674 917 908 712 080 130 069 636 174 970 892 229 914 900 256 301 061 633 858 082 796 212 971 135 604 567 450 455 305 742 728 394 508 401 221 110 518 309 419 409 022 610 708 624 448 968 624 438 667 397 328 140 010 446 578 078 230 783 252 681 413 859 281 663 088 893 481 022 928 914 102 101 729 840 481 251 353 235 030 016 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000

[Ed. Note: I'm getting dizzy...]

000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 combinations.

4: 33x33x33

Yeah, this is the largest Rubik’s cube ever made. The total number of cubies (the mini cubes in the cube) is 6,146.

Possible positions? Too big to show here!

3: 5d cube

Yeah, it is awful, as these photos show. And the controls?!

Possible positions? 10^21503. Yeah, that's 10 to the power of 21,503. Good luck with that!

2: 6d cube

Why...why did they do this?! It hurts my brain just to think about it. But nevertheless, it is my solemn duty to report this, so I will say what I know. There is a hall of insanity for people who have solved this.

Possible positions: N...O...P...E.

1: 7d cube!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I will save myself some words and show it.


Possible positions: <faints on keyboard>.

That's it from James and Nico! We’ll see you next time on Research Corner!

other stuff


By: Sandra and Emely

Easter is a very fun holiday that you may be very familiar with. There is a mascot dressed bunny that gives out free stuff, which can be a signal to happiness. Have you ever wondered why the Easter bunny gives us free stuff but in an egg?

Why Easter Brings Happiness

Easter brings happiness because kids get really excited when they find an egg. They also get very happy when they open the egg and see what's inside. There may also be an Easter party with an egg hunt and celebration!

Easter Eggs

Many easter eggs are different, but some people might think Easter eggs from the Easter bunny might bring luck. Do you think that is true? Some people buy Easter eggs from stores, while others get more creative and do them at home! Do you have Easter eggs? Have you ever opened an Easter egg? What was inside?

Easter Bunny

A lot of kids are excited when they see the Easter Bunny!. In fact, most kids are more excited about the Easter bunny than they are about the party or festival! Some kids might think the opposite! What do you think?

Easter is a very fun holiday and there are many ways to celebrate it. If you do, we hope you enjoy your Easter...with or without a party.

Kha b'Nisan (Assyrian new year)

By: Annabel

Today, I will be telling you all about a holiday you may not know that is celebrated by all Assyrians called Kha b' Nisan.

Kha b'Nisan translates to April 1st, our New Year. Right now, the year is 6,970, which means our calendar began 4,950 years before the calendar we use in the United States and most parts of the world.

Kha b'Nisan is celebrated on April 1st because the only things you could do back in Assyria was farm, and April 1st was seen as the first day of spring and, therefore the beginning of the farming season.

To celebrate, Assyrians have parades, and festivals in a field, where families and friends dance in a circle. You're probably thinking, "Annabel what the heck are you doing dancing in a circle?" Well, this is a traditional dance called the khiga. Children are also encourage to be a part of the festival.

Our population is about 2-4 million, not much when you consider there are about 7 billion people on Earth. We have traditional foods like dolma (which is white rice in leaves)

During the fesitval at St. Andrew (which I am a part of), children help sell food at the stands. Toward the end of the festival, we raise the Assyrian flag and dance to some Assyrian music.

The Assyrian flag has red white and blue, likes ours. All of the colors represent something: the dark blue represents the Euphrates River; the red stripes, whose blood red hue stands for courage, glory and pride, represent the Tigris; the white lines in between the two great rivers symbolizes the Great Zab; its white colour stands for tranquility and peace.

Happy New Year!

What to do when you're stuck at home

By: Keira

Are you stuck at home with nothing to do? Of course you are! Well, here are some ideas to make you and others smile. Let’s get started.


A lot of these games I am going to mention are from Laughing Academy, an activity you can sign up for online. This first one is a family game called “Party Quirks,” or “Taco Tuesday”. This usually is a game with the minimum of 4 people, but you can adjust. Think of an unusual thing about you like “I do 2 Jumping Jacks every time someone says ‘THE’.” Or “I am a movie star who thinks I am at the Oscars.” Be creative. Choose someone to throw the party. They try to guess what you are. If they are close, clap your hands. When they get it, sit down.


Telephone is a well known game where one person at the beginning of the line whispers something like “Hamburgers and Soda is my favorite food,” the sillier the better. The person who is next whispers what THEY heard and so on and so forth. The last person says what they hear aloud. Then trade people who start. You can try this with your family, or maybe get creative by trying it out with friends online.


Another one of Laughing Academy’s great games is ABC’S. Have as many or as few people who want, just more than yourself. Choose where you are and write the ABC’s on a paper. Start your sentence with the letter. For example “A very beautiful day at the beach, don’t you think?” “But it’s so cold Bob.” “Can’t you just enjoy it?” “Don’t yell at me.” Something like that. Simply follow the ABC’s by the first letter.


This is one of my favorite Laughing Academy games. It’s simple. Do a minute scene and when you are done say your lines again. The next time you do it, choose a bizarre place like “in a mine” or “on an unknown planet”. Be crazy creative. After the second time, change your emotion like angry or excited or you are in a soap opera. Make it yours by having as many replays or scenes you want.

Those four games are super fun, but if you want games or activities that you can play by yourself, here are some options.


This activity can be played over and over again. Think of a book, TV show, movie, play, you name it! You can reread, watch or recall from memory what it is about. Write if you like it or not and why or what you would want to change. For example, “I like Frozen II because it was a message about change like global warming. Though, I don’t think the first 15 minutes was necessary. I would have added some more scenes of the tribe…” something like that.


This is probably one of my favorite games to do with my mom. You could do a puzzle that is pre-made or you can make your own puzzles! If you have a thin sheet of cardboard (doesn’t matter the size), you can cut it up into jigsaw pieces. You can add color to them by either just coloring on the top or grab a piece of paper and cutting out the shapes of the piece and drawing.

Top 10 Movies: MR. P Edition

By: Jack

Jack’s Favorite Movies

Mission Impossible: Fallout

Rocky 3

Black Panther

Back to the Future 2

Space Jam

Cool Runnings

The Sandlot

Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi

Remember the Titans

Avengers: Endgame

Mr. P’s Favorite (School-Friendly) Movies

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Back to the Future

The Dark Knight

Star Wars V: Empire Strikes Back

Home Alone

The Sandlot


Field of Dreams

Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark

Jurassic Park


By: Da Gurlz

[Ed. Note: It's unclear whether "da gurlz" are suffering from cabin fever during shelter-in-place because...this is how they always are!]

Lucy: *sobbing* WHYYY?! WHYY?! I CAN’T SEE ANYONE ANYMORE! I’M STUCK IN THIS HOUSE *dramatic gasp*

Brielle: That is pretty much the definition of quarantined.

Sydney: Yea, but you’re saving people's lives by being home, and you get to watch your favorite shows and movies!

Lucy: My favorite movie I’ve watched is Harry Potter. BUT I’M STILL STUCK!

Brielle: Really, Lucy? My favorite show I have seen is Lego Masters.

Sydney: And the best for last! My favorite movie I have seen is Jaws because sharks are cool.

[Ed. Note: And now for something completely different...]

Lucy: Baby shark doodoo doodoo doodoo Baby shark doodoo doodoo doodoo

Sydney: Mama shark dododododoooo Mama shark dododododoooo

Brielle: Daddy Shark dodododododo Daddy shark dododo dododododo

Sydney: Wait guys aren't we supposed to be telling people about movies


Brielle: Respect your elder sharks kids! Let them go to the grocery store before you -



Sydney: Yea, you're supposed to STAY HOME if you can!

Lucy: *defiant groan*

[Editor: Ladies, can we, um...talk about movies?]

Brielle: Movies are basically longgg longgg longg longgg longg shows and-


[Editor: ::longest sigh ever::]

Brielle: Ok, fine! Some more fun movies to watch while on "CORONA-CATION" are the new Trolls World Tour, Disney Princesses or … ummm ...

Lucy: ummmmm...

Sydney: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

[Editor: Um?]

Real Movie Ideas to Enjoy (because we were too crazy to give any )

  • Onward
  • The Christmas Chronicles
  • Nailed IT
  • Frozen 1 and 2
  • Karate Kid
  • The Kid Who Would Be King
  • Pixar
  • Disney Plus (baby yodaaaaaa!)
  • Princess Bride
  • Incredibles 1 and 2


would you rather

By: Henry

Would you rather have to balance a pineapple on your head for 2 hours, or hold a plank for 30 minutes?

Would you rather invent the toilet and be famous for it, or invent the phone, but nobody would know?

Would you rather have to stand still for one hour, or dance for two hours straight nonstop?

Would you rather be the most famous person in the world, but the phone and the hundred dollar bill didn’t exist, or be just an ordinary human being, but everything is normal? [Ed. Note: I'll take fame without the iPhone for $500, Alex!]

Book of the Week

By: Jillian

Are you looking for a long book to read? Want to reread one of the best series of all time?!

Then read "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone!"

It's about a mysterious boy named Harry Potter. Harry is a wizard and goes to Hogwarts. But before that he has to live with the Dursleys. They are the biggest muggles ever (and I’m not telling you what a muggle is because you have to read the book and find yourself so ha ha).

As Harry faces You Know Who multiple times, (I’m also not going to tell you who You Know Who is, and I'm definitely not going to say his name!) and finds some things about his dead parents with his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

If you want great characters, an incredible story, a ton of action, and a great world of wizards and magic, then you absolutely must read "Harry Potter."


Meme of the Week

By: Unknowing Guest Contributor Bill Murray

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