Summer Term

Week 2

Warm Up

Have a go at this Move warm up to get your body ready for exercise.

Reception PE - Week 2.mp4

Activity - gross motor skills - Balancing, catching and throwing.

You will need -

1. An unobstructed and safe area.

2. A small ball, socks folded into a ball or cuddly toy.

3. A target to aim at - a folded towel or a pillow.

4. An unobstructed blank wall

5. Lots of energy!!

Parents and siblings welcome to participate!

Cool Down

This exercise teaches how to gain control of your energy when it becomes too much. It is a brilliant way of becoming more calm and relaxing after energetic activities.

Week 1

This activity is aiming to develop speed (safely), balance and spacial awareness through the children being creative with their hiding places and forms of travel whilst being active and having fun!

  • Try put some treasure hidden high and low in order to make the children discover low forms of travel and balance/reach to stretch and succeed.

Tuesday 21st April


  • Choose a character and complete the Just Dance Pirate warm up

  • TREASURE HUNT - Choose 10 of your favourite toys or safe items around the house (E.g. - Pillow, Spoon, teddy bear etc)

  • Once you have hidden all of your toys you have to start in a specific place and use a bag or box as your treasure chest. Collect 1 item at a time for your treasure chest. Each time you collect an item you have to bring it back to the starting spot before collecting the next item. Collect your treasure as fast as you can. Put a stopwatch on to try and beat each time once repeated. Complete your treasure hunt three times minimum to try and get the fastest score.

  • Feel free to wear any safe pirate props and put on pirate music to set the theme!