Learning Support

Welcome to the Learning Support area! Here you will find additional fun tasks for your child to do to boost their learning!

See if you can spot the odd ones out on the next few pages! Have fun!

Recording #2.mp4

Have a listen to Miss Noble trying some tongue twisters! Can you have a go too?

Good morning Reception!

Play the video here. How many rhyming words can you think of? Pause the video to give yourself more thinking time!

Have fun :)

rhyming words.mp4

Which word doesn't fit?

Can you think of other rhyming words?

missing vowels reception.pptx

Do you know which sound is missing? Have a go at sounding the words out!

Hi everyone! Look at the picture!

What is happening in this picture?
Who can you see?
What do you think you would smell in the room?
How would you feel about being here?
What is going to happen next?
Can you spot something with the -b- sound?
How many balloons can you see?

Follow the video and answer the questions! Pause the video to give yourself more time to answer :)

Reception video.mp4

Can you think of rhyming words? 3 for each word!